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Landscaping on the New Frontier
256 pages, 8 1/2 x 11
Release Date:01 Apr 2009
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Landscaping on the New Frontier

Waterwise Design for the Intermountain West

Utah State University Press
A practical volume for the home or business owner on landscaping with native, drought-tolerant plants in the Rocky Mountain West. Filled with color illustrations, photos, and design sketches, over 100 native species are described, while practical tips on landscape design, water-wise irrigation, and keeping down the weeds are provided.

In this book you will learn how to use natural landscapes to inspire your own designed landscape around your business or home and yard. Included are design principles, practical ideas, and strong examples of what some homeowners have already done to convert traditional "bluegrass" landscapes into ones that are more expressive of theWest. Landscaping on the new Frontier also offers an approach to irrigation that minimizes the use of supplemental water yet ensures the survival of plants during unusually dry periods. You will learn how to combine ecological principles with design principles to create beautiful home landscapes that require only minimal resources to maintain.
Dr. Susan Meyer works for the US Forest Service as a research ecologist at the Shrub Sciences Laboratory in Provo, Utah. She is Past Chair of the Utah Native Plant Society State Board of Directors and one of the founding members of the Intermountain Native Plant Growers Association.

Dr. Roger Kjelgren is Professor of Landscape Horticulture in the Department of Plants, Soils and Climate at Utah State University in Logan Utah. He is the Director of the Center for Water Efficient Landscaping, and contributing author and guiding force for Water Wise: Native Plants for Intermountain Landscapes

Darrel Morrison is a nationally known landscape architect who specializes in landscape design that is in tune with the surrounding natural environment. He was the lead landscape architect for the Ladybird Johnson National Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas. He is a Professor and Dean Emeritus of the University of Georgia School of Environmental Design.

William Varga is Extension Horticulturist at Utah State University, where he has statewide responsibilities for outreach in low-water landscaping design.

Bettina Schultz is a stained glass artist whose work has been enriched by her experience with drawing, painting, printmaking, weaving, music, and calligraphy.
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