Landscape and Politics in the Ancient Andes
296 pages, 6 x 9
69 figs., 3 maps, 15 tables
Release Date:01 Sep 2016
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Landscape and Politics in the Ancient Andes

Biographies of Place at Khonkho Wankane

University of New Mexico Press

This book is a study of the ways places are created and how they attain meaning. Smith presents archaeological data from Khonkho Wankane in the southern Lake Titicaca basin of Bolivia to explore how landscapes were imagined and constructed during processes of political centralization in this region. In particular he examines landscapes of movement and the development of powerful political and religious centers during the Late Formative period (200 BC-AD 500), just before the emergence of the urban state centered at Tiwanaku (AD 500-1100).

Late Formative politico-religious centers, Smith notes, were characterized by mobile populations of agropastoralists and caravan drovers. By exploring ritual practice at Late Formative settlements, Smith provides a new way of looking at political centralization, incipient urbanism, and state formation at Tiwanaku.

Well-argued and stimulating.'--Hispanic American Historical Review

Scott C. Smith is an assistant professor of anthropology at Franklin & Marshall College.

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