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Land Resource Economics and Sustainable Development
460 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Jan 2015
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Release Date:01 Jan 1993
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Release Date:01 Oct 2007

Land Resource Economics and Sustainable Development

Economic Policies and the Common Good

UBC Press

“This text seeks to provide an introduction to issues of land use and the economic tools that are used to resolve land-use conflicts. In particular, tools of economic analysis are used to address allocation of land among alternative uses in such a way that the welfare of society is enhanced. Thus, the focus is on what is best for society and not what is best for an individual, a particular group of individuals, or a particular constituency. What this text seeks to provide is a balanced and just approach to decision-making concerning allocation of land.” – from the Introduction

Land Resource Economics and Sustainable Development has already been tested, in a slightly different format, on over 400 students in a number of upper-level undergraduate and lower-level graduate courses. It presents a pragmatic approach to the issues of land use and sustainable development, and breaks away from the narrow focus of most economics texts on resources as it takes into account current political and ecological concerns while at the same time providing readers with the essential economic tools for a rational discussion of land use conflicts.

Land Resource Economics and Sustainable Development addresses a wide range of issues not covered in other economics texts. These include:

  • soil erosion;
  • wetlands preservation;
  • global climatic change;
  • urban/rural conflict;
  • urban land use;
  • range management;
  • forest management; and
  • public land management.

The broad scope and practical perspective make Land Resource Economics and Sustainable Development useful to students, interdisciplinary researchers, and professional economists and managers working in the fields of economic development, the environment, agriculture, and forestry.

Both U.S. and Canadian data are used throughout the text to illustrate the issues discussed in the book.

G. Cornelis Van Kooten is a professor in the departments of Agricultural Economics and Forest Resources Management at the University of British Columbia. He is the author of numerous journal articles and has contributed chapters to several books.

1 Introduction

Part 1: Theoretical Considerations

2 The Concept of Rent: Is Land Unique?

3 The Theory of Welfare Measurement

4 Property Rights, Market Failure, Externality, and Environmental Economics

Part 2: Project Evaluation and Economic Development

5 Social Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluation of Resource Development Projects

6 Input-Output Models for Regional and Community Development

7 Valuing Nonmarket Benefits

Part 3: Land-Use and Sustainable Development

8 Conservation, Sustainable Development, and Preservation

9 Economics of Global Climatic Change

10 Economics of Soil Conservation

Part 4: Economics of Land-Use Planning and Control

11 Efficiency and Equity in Land-Use Planning

12 Land Preservation and Conservation

13 Control over Water Use in Agriculture: Economics of Irrigation and Wetlands Preservation

Part 5: Economics of Public Land Management

14 Economics and Management of Public Forestlands

15 Economics and Public Rangeland Management

16 Management of Public Lands for Multiple Use

Part 6: Conclusions

17 Ethics and Land Resource Economics

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