John Steinbeck
296 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:11 Nov 2002
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John Steinbeck

The Years of Greatness, 1936-1939

Edited by Tetsumaro Hayashi; Introduction by John H. Timmerman
University of Alabama Press
This volume is derived from papers presented by the North American delegates at the Third International Steinbeck Congress, held in May 1990 in Honolulu, Hawaii, under the co-sponsorship of the Steinbeck Society of Japan and the International Steinbeck Society. These ten essays, arranged in two parts, seek to provide a clearer understanding of Steinbeck's life and work during his most productive period. Part I discusses Steinbeck's women, with emphasis on the function of the feminine from original perspectives. It uses recent research sources, including some of the Steinbeck-Gwyn love letters and poems. Part II explores the Depression trilogy—"In Dubious Battle", "Of Mice and Men," and "The Grapes of Wrath"—Steinbeck's major works of the late 1930s.

Tetsumaro Hayashi is Professor of English and director of the Steinbeck Research Institute, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.

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