Jean Dubos

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

The White Plague

Tuberculosis, Man and Society

By Jean Dubos; Foreword by David Mechanic; Introduction by Barbara Gutmann Rosenkrantz
Rutgers University Press

DuBos et. al. examine the social aspects of the TB epidemic, along with some of the biological factors. They show how TB was romanticized, how it was portrayed as a demon coming to rob the healthy of life, and how it sparked scientific invention—in particular the stethoscope. The introduction is wonderful as it lays out the basic parts of the book.

  • Copyright year: 1987
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The Mirage of Health

Utopia, Progress, and Biological Change

Rutgers University Press

'Complete freedom from disease and from struggle is almost incompatible with the process of living, ' Rene Dubos asserted in this classic essay on ecology and health. All the accomplishments of science...

  • Copyright year: 1986
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