James McCormick

Jim McCormick LAC met Zero Balancing’s founder, Dr Fritz Smith, while studying Traditional Chinese Acupuncture with Dr J. R. Worsley at Kenilworth, UK, in the fall of 1972. He began his Zero Balancing training in 1974 and in 1979 became the first teacher of ZB after Dr Smith. He is currently on the Faculty of the Zero Balancing Health Association (ZBHA) in the USA. Jim teaches Zero Balancing to students around the world, including in Canada, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand, Switzerland, Austria and Finland, as well as in The UK and the USA. He is president of the non-profit Zero Balancing Touch Foundation. He is co-president of Cambridge Health Associates, a holistic health center in Massachusetts, USA, where he practices Zero Balancing and traditional acupuncture. Jim McCormick has woven his 50 years of experience in alternative medicine into this book in which he explains the unique principles behind Zero Balancing and illustrates them with detailed case histories. Jim is known for creating a caring and creative environment, where participants feel safe to be their full selves, while exploring new ideas and skills. He presents information clearly, warmly and with good humor and joy.

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