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Independence and Economic Security in Old Age
390 pages, 6 1/4 x 9 1/4
46 b&w illustrations, 72 tables
Release Date:01 Feb 2001
Release Date:15 Aug 2000
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Release Date:01 Oct 2007

Independence and Economic Security in Old Age

UBC Press

As boomers move towards retirement the phenomenon of"population aging" has become a much-publicized issue.Independence and Economic Security in Old Age focuses on theeconomic and social implications of aging at the level of theindividual and of society as a whole. The product of a three-yearresearch program, the book contains chapters by recognized experts inthe fields of economics and econometrics, sociology, social work,medicine, epidemiology, gerontology, and nursing.

The book first looks at some basic demographic issues, including thedefinition of "old," the changing age distribution of thepopulation, and the demographic outlook for the next several decades.It then moves into the area of family relations, health, and economicsecurity. The concept of "independence" among the elderly isexamined and the degree of preparedness for old age by differentelderly or soon-to-be elderly cohorts is considered. The measurablesocial contributions of the elderly are also discussed in juxtapositionwith the benefits they receive. The book continues with an examinationof the saving behaviour of the elderly, the appropriateness of theConsumer Price Index as a measure of inflation, the incomes of olderwomen, and how the tax-transfer system affects the incentives ofCanadians to save for retirement.

Comprehensive and innovative in its consideration of the issues andimplications of aging, this book will be a valuable resource forspecialists and non-specialists interested in issues of populationaging, for students of gerontology, economics, sociology, healthstudies, social work, and women’s studies, and for socialplanners and policy makers.

Frank T. Denton, Deborah Fretz and Byron G.Spencer are members of the Department of Economics at McMasterUniversity.


1. Introduction and Overview / Frank T. Denton, Deborah Fretz,and Byron G. Spencer

Part 1: Population Aging and the Definition of"Old"

2. How Old Is Old? Revising the Definition Based on Life TableCriteria / Frank T. Denton and Byron G. Spencer

3. The Future Population of Canada and Its Age Distribution /Frank T. Denton, Christine H. Feaver and Byron G. Spencer

Part 2: Family, Health, and Economic Security in LaterLife

4. Independence of Older Persons: Meaning and Determinants /Susan E. French, Margaret Denton, Amiram Gafni, Anju Joshi, JasonLian, Parminder Raina, Carolyn J. Rosenthal and Donald J.Willison

5. Changes in Work and Family over the Life Course: Implications forEconomic Security of Today’s and Tomorrow’s Older Women /Carolyn J. Rosenthal, Margaret Denton, Anne Martin-Matthews andSusan E. French

6. Income, Health, Disability, and the Functional Independence ofthe Elderly / Parminder Raina, Larry W. Chambers, Margaret Denton,Micheline Wong, Andria Scanlan, Amiram Gafni, Susan E. French, DonaldJ. Willison, Anju Joshi and Carolyn J. Rosenthal

7. Health, Age, and Financial Preparations for Later Life /Margaret Denton, Parminder Raina, Jason Lian, Amiram Gafni, AnjuJoshi, Susan E. French, Carolyn J. Rosenthal and Donald J.Willison

8. Unpaid Time Contributions by Seniors in Canada / Jason Lian,Anju Joshi, Roberta Robb, Margaret Denton, Amiram Gafni, Carolyn J.Rosenthal and Donald J. Willison

Part 3: Age Patterns of Income, Saving, andExpenditure

9. Cohort, Year, and Age Effects in Canadian Wage Data / John B.Burbidge, Lonnie Magee and A. Leslie Robb

10. Saving Before and After Retirement: A Study of Canadian Couples,1969-92 / Xiaofen Lin

11. How Well Does the Consumer Price Index Serve as an Index ofInflation for Older Age Groups? / Frank T. Denton and Byron G.Spencer

Part 4: Retirement and Pension Issues

12. The Economic Consequences of Unexpected Early Retirement /Lynn McDonald, Peter Donahue and Victor Marshall

13. The Independence and Economic Security of Older Women LivingAlone / Rebecca Smith, Lonnie Magee, A. Leslie Robb and John B.Burbidge

14. The Poverty of Retired Widows / Lynn McDonald, Peter Donahueand Brooke Moore

15. The Effect of the Tax-Transfer System on Retirement Savings /Deborah Fretz and Michael R. Veall



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