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Hylozoic Ground
196 pages, 7 1/2 x 9
Release Date:01 Aug 2011
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Hylozoic Ground

Liminal Responsive Architecture

Riverside Architectural Press
The Hylozoic Ground experimental architecture series developed by architect Philip Beesley has been expanded and refined by researchers, engineers and designers from around the world. It is an immersive, interactive environment that moves and breathes around its viewers, creating an environment can ‘feel’ and ‘care’. Next-generation artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, and interactive technology create an environment that is nearly alive. The book contains essays by theorists and designers, extended photography, and detailed design documents of the evolving project. With contributions by Michelle Addington, Rachel Armstrong, William Elsworthy, Rob Gorbet, Eric Haldenby, Jonah Humphrey, Christian Joakim, Geoff Manaugh, Detlef Mertins, Neil Spiller, and Cary Wolfe. The Hylozoic Ground Project has been selected to represent Canada at the 2010 Venice Biennale in Architecture. Previously announced as: Responsive Envelopes: Hylozoic Soil.
RELATED TOPICS: Architecture
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