Hold Autumn in Your Hand
260 pages, 5 1/2 x 8
Release Date:01 Apr 1975

Hold Autumn in Your Hand

SERIES: Zia Books
University of New Mexico Press

"The Texas January day was all blue and gold and barely crisp. Only the absence of leaves and sap, the presence of straggling bands of awkward crows, the gray-yellow flutter of field larks, and the broad, matter-of-fact hibernation of the earth said it was winter as Sam Tucker walked along the road, his long legs functioning automatically, farmerly. His body had about it the look of country dogs at the end of winter, when they are all ribs and leg muscles and jaw muscles and teeth. . . ."

Hold Autumn in Your Hand, is the memorable story of Sam Tucker and the year that he contracts to farm sixty-eight acres of San Pedro bottomland. He is eager to work the rich soil despite the fact that he will earn only six bits a day. Sam, his wife Nona, their two children, and one of the most irrepressible grandmothers in modern fiction absorb the reader in their joys and disappointments. The story is built around Sam Tucker's determination to use his knowledge of the land and hard work to provide food for his family and hope for the future.

The son of a pharmacist, George Sessions Perry was born in Rockdale, Texas in 1910. His early fiction revealed his concern for those who worked the land in the area where he grew up. After World War II, he spent several years writing feature articles for such publications as the Saturday Evening Post. He later returned to writing fiction and bought the farm that was the site of Hold Autumn in Your Hand. Sessions died in 1956.

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