Autism and the Stress Effect
A 4-Step Lifestyle Approach to Transform Your Child's Health,Happiness and Vitality
This innovative intervention approach focuses on reducing the stress and anxiety in the life of a child with Autism.
Spiritual Care with Sick Children and Young People
A handbook for chaplains, paediatric health professionals, arts therapists and youth workers
A comprehensive introduction to best practice in spiritual support for sick children and young people, this research-based handbook covers both principles and practice, and includes a wide range of examples and suggestions for activities to facilitate spiritual interaction and support.
Older Adults and Autism Spectrum Conditions
An Introduction and Guide
Highlighting the specific difficulties and challenges that older people with autism may face with regards to living arrangements, changes to social habits and communicating with carers, as well as health issues, this book shows ways to support people with autism as they reach retirement age.
Dyslexia and Mental Health
Helping people identify destructive behaviours and find positive ways to cope
This book presents research and case studies to demonstrate why and how those with dyslexia can adopt adverse coping strategies and defensive mechanisms to deal with the emotional impact of the condition, which can lead to self-harm, depression and even suicide, and how they can best be helped and supported by the professionals who work with them.
Choices in Pregnancy and Childbirth
A Guide to Options for Health Professionals, Midwives, Holistic Practitioners and Parents
This clear, balanced and well-researched presentation of the various holistic options for treating mothers and babies during pregnancy and childbirth enables practitioners to create the best possible outcomes for mother and baby. It offers practical tips to make childbirth a positive and safe experience and advice for when things don't go to plan.
Living Better with Dementia
Good Practice and Innovation for the Future
With currently evolving dementia policy, how can we ensure that living well with dementia continues to be a primary aim for future national dementia strategies? This book looks at current policy and research to determine emerging challenges, and what they mean for practice, both nationally and within a global context.
Independent Mental Health Advocacy - The Right to Be Heard
The Practice and Context of Professional Advocacy in Mental Health Services
This research-based book tells you everything you need to know about independent mental health advocacy (IMHA), including the role that IMHAs play within mental health services, their relationship with service users and with other mental health professionals.
Critical Care
Delivering Spiritual Care in Healthcare Contexts
Focusing on spiritual care within the delivery and provision of healthcare today, the contributors combine academic and professional expertise to discuss themes including: spirituality, pluralism and multi-faith practice, healthcare ethics, legal and policy issues, mental health, and beginning and end of life issues.
Challenging Stress, Burnout and Rust-Out
Finding Balance in Busy Lives
This practical resource provides professionals with techniques for developing a more balanced lifestyle. The author discusses the meaning of work-life balance and explains how it can be achieved in reality with some simple, straightforward strategies.