Guidebook for the Scientific Traveler
256 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:04 Sep 2008

Guidebook for the Scientific Traveler

Visiting Astronomy and Space Exploration Sites across America

Rutgers University Press
Finding all the fascinating scientific sites to visit throughout America can be a daunting task. This guidebook does all the work for you. The first in a series of travel books that will celebrate science and technology in America, Guidebook for the Scientific Traveler describes astronomy and space-related museums and attractions that conventional travel guides tend to ignore. So, gas up the car, grab some snacks for the road, and get started on the voyage.
Written in clear, easy-to-read language, Guidebook for the Scientific Traveler lists more than 50 of the most important and intriguing astronomical and space-related sites in the United States. The book encompasses both popular and obscure places of interest, all of which are open to the public. Grouping the attractions by theme—such as Native American astronomy, optical and radio telescopes, NASA and space exploration, and space rocks—Duane S. Nickell provides a scientific and historical overview of each theme followed by detailed descriptions of the related sites within that theme. With over 40 illustrations, the book gives readers a visual understanding of what they will experience at most of the sites. For those readers who want to use the book as a trip planner, Nickell also includes a state-by-state listing of the attractions and identifies “must-see” exhibits at many of the space museums featured.
Travelers and armchair tourists alike will be entertained by the illustrations and scientific descriptions of these “out of this world” attractions.
-Perfect for science and astronomy enthusiasts
-Contains detailed visitorinformation on each site
-Includes over 50 of the top astronomy and space-related sites
-Filled with interesting descriptions of all sites
-Over 40 photographs
-State-by-state appendix
Duane Nickell has created a superbly original and intriguing book with Astronomy and Space Exploration. The Scientific Traveler concept is unique, yet so simple, it leaves you wondering why it hasn't been thought up before. Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist, American Museum of Natural History
Duane Nickell has created a superbly original and intriguing book with Astronomy and Space Exploration. The Scientific Traveler concept is unique, yet so simple, it leaves you wondering why it hasn't been thought up before. Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist, American Museum of Natural History
Nickell's relaxed and intimate writing style brings the reader along on fascinating personal journeys to a wide variety of ancient and modern science-related sites. You don't have to be a science enthusiast to enjoy visiting this intriguing cross-section of diverse destinations. Francis French, author of Into That Silent Sea and In the Shadow of the Moon
Nickell's relaxed and intimate writing style brings the reader along on fascinating personal journeys to a wide variety of ancient and modern science-related sites. You don't have to be a science enthusiast to enjoy visiting this intriguing cross-section of diverse destinations. Francis French, author of Into That Silent Sea and In the Shadow of the Moon
For all the astronauts-at-heart out there, Duane Nickell's book is an invitation to travel to sites across America that remind us of our country's wonderful accomplishments in exploring outer space as well as our humble place in the universe. Highly recommended for families and educators alike. Buzz Aldrin, astronaut on the Apollo 11 Lunar Mission
For all the astronauts-at-heart out there, Duane Nickell's book is an invitation to travel to sites across America that remind us of our country's wonderful accomplishments in exploring outer space as well as our humble place in the universe. Highly recommended for families and educators alike. Buzz Aldrin, astronaut on the Apollo 11 Lunar Mission
All travel is a form of education and, with luck, can be a true adventure as well. Let me recommend Duane Nickell's beautiful and educational guide book for the scientific traveler. Without question, excursions to the locations he suggests would be terrific fun, a real-life journey to the stars. Joe Allen, astronaut
All travel is a form of education and, with luck, can be a true adventure as well. Let me recommend Duane Nickell's beautiful and educational guide book for the scientific traveler. Without question, excursions to the locations he suggests would be terrific fun, a real-life journey to the stars. Joe Allen, astronaut
Do you love visiting the planetarium? Are you fascinated by the history of NASA? Is seeing the Northern Lights on your life list? If so, Guidebook for the Scientific Traveler can help you plan your next trips. Associated Press/USA Today
Do you love visiting the planetarium? Are you fascinated by the history of NASA? Is seeing the Northern Lights on your life list? If so, Guidebook for the Scientific Traveler can help you plan your next trips. Associated Press/USA Today
This book is a wonderful compilation of background information, facts, and helpful visitor information for more than 50 sites that are worth visiting across America. It covers everything from petroglyphs and ancient observatories to modern spaceports. This concise and complete paperback is well worth using to plan (or bring along on) a trip. Science Teacher
This book is a wonderful compilation of background information, facts, and helpful visitor information for more than 50 sites that are worth visiting across America. It covers everything from petroglyphs and ancient observatories to modern spaceports. This concise and complete paperback is well worth using to plan (or bring along on) a trip. Science Teacher
Until now, scientifically minded tourists haven't had the luxury of a serious guidebook to plan their trips. Fortunately, Rutgers University Press is launching the Scientific Traveler series. Guidebook is a treasure trove of both scientific and historical information. Even if you can't visit them all, both the avid explorer and the armchair traveler can read the book cover to cover and learn a great deal about the history of astronomy and space exploration in the United States. Sky & Telescope
Until now, scientifically minded tourists haven't had the luxury of a serious guidebook to plan their trips. Fortunately, Rutgers University Press is launching the Scientific Traveler series. Guidebook is a treasure trove of both scientific and historical information. Even if you can't visit them all, both the avid explorer and the armchair traveler can read the book cover to cover and learn a great deal about the history of astronomy and space exploration in the United States. Sky & Telescope
Duane S. Nickell teaches physics at Franklin Central High School in Indianapolis, Indiana, and is an associate faculty member at Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis. He is the winner of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching, the nation's highest honor for science and mathematics teachers.
Native American astronomy
Optical telescopes
Radio telescopes
Planetaria : theaters of the sky
NASA and space exploration
Space museums
Astronomers, astronauts, and Einstein
Space rocks
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