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Release Date:01 May 1996
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Guardians of Marovo Lagoon

Practice, Place, and Politics in Maritime Melanesia

University of Hawaii Press

“This is perhaps the best monograph on how Pacific islanders relate to their marine resources since Robert Johannes’s Words of the Lagoon: Fishing and Marine Lore in the Palau District of Melanesia (1981), and it stands as a major contribution to the study of indigenous marine tenure systems that should be required reading for everyone concerned with the issue of allocating marine resources.” —American Anthropologist

Pacific Islands Monograph Series No. 14

Published in association with the Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawai‘i

This is perhaps the best monograph on how Pacific islanders relate to their marine resources since Robert Johannes’s Words of the Lagoon: Fishing and Marine Lore in the Palau District of Melanesia (1981), and it stands as a major contribution to the study of indigenous marine tenure systems that should be required reading for everyone concerned with the issue of allocating marine resources American Anthropologist
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