George E. Marcus

Showing 1-2 of 2 items.


Ethnographic Issues

School for Advanced Research Press

This book is a collection of essays focusing on the role that elites play in shaping modern societies. Critiquing the treatment accorded elites as subjects in recent Western social thought, the essays reflect upon past results and explore directions in the investigation of elite groups by anthropologists.

  • Copyright year: 1983
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Critical Anthropology Now

Unexpected Contexts, Shifting Constituencies, Changing Agendas

School for Advanced Research Press

Building on the legacy of Writing Culture, Critical Anthropology Now vividly represents the changing nature of anthropological research practice, demonstrating how new and more complicated locations of research-from the boardrooms of multinational corporations to the chat rooms of the Internet-are giving rise to shifts in the character of fieldwork and fieldworker.

  • Copyright year: 1999
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