Science of the Seance
Transnational Networks and Gendered Bodies in the Study of Psychic Phenomena, 1918-40
In this enthralling study of the ethereal, the scientific, and the strange, Beth A. Robertson investigates the gendered world of the seance, a place where self-proclaimed “psychic researchers” laid claim to objectivity and where spiritual mediums and the spirits they channeled resisted their methods.
Queering Social Work Education
The first book of its kind in North America, this collection of original works promises to transform the future of social work education by equipping scholars and students with a new appreciation of queer strengths and experiences.
The Nature of Masculinity
Critical Theory, New Materialisms, and Technologies of Embodiment
Harnessing the strengths of social theory and new materialisms, this book advances a new critical theory of masculinity.
Mobilizing Metaphor
Art, Culture, and Disability Activism in Canada
Mobilizing Metaphor illustrates how radical and unconventional forms of activism, including art, are reshaping the vibrant tradition of disability activism in Canada, challenging perceptions of disability and the politics that surround it.
From Left to Right
Maternalism and Women’s Political Activism in Postwar Canada
This fresh look at Canadian women’s political engagement during the Cold War reveals that whether they were on the “left” or “right” end of the political spectrum, women were motivated by similar concerns and the desire to forge a new vision for their nation.
War-Torn Exchanges
The Lives and Letters of Nursing Sisters Laura Holland and Mildred Forbes
This vivid portrait of female friendship follows two Canadian nursing sisters who endured the trauma and privations of the Great War.
Sister Soldiers of the Great War
The Nurses of the Canadian Army Medical Corps
Award-winning author Cynthia Toman brings to life the experiences of Canada’s first women soldiers – nursing sisters who served during the First World War.
Shelter in a Storm
Revitalizing Feminism in Neoliberal Ontario
Drawing on the experiences of three YWCA women’s shelters in Ontario, this book exposes the dangers for women that are embedded in government neoliberal policies and reveals how feminism can counteract this pervasive ideology.
Parole in Canada
Gender and Diversity in the Federal System
Parole in Canada explores how concerns about aboriginality, gender, and the multicultural ideal of “diversity” have altered parole policy and practice – and asks whether these changes go far enough.
Disrupting Queer Inclusion
Canadian Homonationalisms and the Politics of Belonging
This book contends that Canada’s acceptance of “gay rights” obscures and abets multiple forms of oppression and details how, in the fight for equality and inclusion, some LGBTQ communities gain acceptance within the mainstream, and as a result become complicit in a system that fortifies white supremacy, furthers settler colonialism, advances neoliberalism, and props up imperialist mythologies.
Queer Mobilizations
Social Movement Activism and Canadian Public Policy
Canada is considered a leader when it comes to LGBTQ rights, but as Queer Mobilizations shows, this has less to do with progressive politicians than with the work of queer activists who have fought for policy changes from their local city halls to the chambers of Parliament.
Working Mothers and the Child Care Dilemma
A History of British Columbia’s Social Policy
As a deeply researched history, Working Mothers and the Child Care Dilemma reveals how, for over 100 years, a persistent political uneasiness with the role of mothers in the workforce has contributed to the lack of affordable, quality child care services in British Columbia.
The Changing Nature of Eco/Feminism
Telling Stories from Clayoquot Sound
In its careful account of eco/feminist activism in Clayoquot Sound in the early 1990s, The Changing Nature of Eco/Feminism confounds prevailing stories about eco/feminism, feminism, and Clayoquot itself.
Fraught Intimacies
Non/Monogamy in the Public Sphere
Drawing on media, popular culture, and recent court cases, this book examines how various forms of non-monogamy (polygamy, adultery, and polyamory) are represented in the public sphere, how some forms of non-monogamy are tolerated and others vilified, and the effects such privileging is having on intimate relationships and other aspects of contemporary Western society.
Disability Politics and Care
The Challenge of Direct Funding
Disability Politics and Care documents what happens when people with disabilities take control of home care services and explores key debates around the notion of “care.”