Non-Binary Lives
An Anthology of Intersecting Identities
This wide-ranging and powerful collection of essays gathers together leading non-binary figures to explore how their gender identities intersect with multiple aspects of other identities including race, class, age, sexuality, faith, community, family, disability and health.
A Memoir (Intersex Woman, Mother, Activist)
This provocative and life-affirming memoir, by one of the world's foremost intersex activists, charts the author's journey from discovering she is intersex through to self-acceptance and becoming an international human rights defender, and the impact this has had on her personal and family life.
The Spectrum of Sex
The Science of Male, Female and Intersex
Using a range of intersex variations, this innovative book introduces readers to the diversity of biological sex and its relationship to gender identity and the societal impact this has. Written by a leading intersex activist and an esteemed biological sciences scholar, it balances authority with inclusivity to create an important educational tool.