From Spaniard to Creole
174 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Release Date:28 Feb 1991
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From Spaniard to Creole

The Archaeology of Cultural Formation at Puerto Real, Haiti

University of Alabama Press

While most studies of intercultural contact focus on the impact of the intrusive power on the native culture, this book examines the effects of the colonization process on the Spaniards in the New World during the 16th century. The site of Puerto Real on the north coast of Haiti serves as a case study. Based on the results of excavations at both Puerto Real and St. Augustine, Florida, this study suggests that the introduction of New World and African cultural elements into Spanish colonial culture began almost at contact. The model of acculturative processes, developed in St. Augustine and tested at Puerto Real, can serve to guide future Spanish colonial research. It can also be applied to non-Hispanic colonial sites in the New World. Did the French and British adapt to their new environments in a manner similar to the Spanish? Work done at Puerto Real demonstrates the utility of archaeology in the study of the effects of culture contact.

A solid contribution to a slowly building research based body of knowledge regarding the acculturation of the Spanish in the New World.'
—North American Archaeologist

Charles R. Ewen is Director, Sponsored Research Program, Arkansas Archeological Survey.

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