From the preface:
"Mr. Renz has assembled a friendly read from the standpoint of a serious, well-read amateur. His work promises to be an excellent educational guide for those interested in paleontology or seeking information about their fortuitous discovery of fossil remains."—James S. Dunbar, archaeological field supervisor, Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research
With boundless enthusiasm, Mark Renz stumbles onto the skeletal remains of fierce saber-toothed cats, gentle sea cows, massive mammoths and mastodons, Volkswagen-size armadillos, and an ancient 5-ton giant ground sloth, and then shares these experiences in a humorous, illustrated book for beginning fossil collectors.
Want to look for fossils yourself but not sure how to get started? Renz tells how and where to hunt and how to preserve your finds for another million years, and he provides more than 250 photographs that help you to identify those bones and teeth and distinguish a prehistoric bison from a farmer’s lost cow. He also provides information about what’s there to be found, the hurdles and hazards to be overcome, and the legalities to be observed. Guided by an appreciation for the professional paleontologist and also for the laws that regulate his hobby, Renz explains, for example, why it is okay to dig for fossils in a state-owned creek bed (providing one possesses a state permit and does not dig in a state park), and why it is illegal to engage in the same activity in search of artifacts.
With writing that’s free of technical jargon but full of love for fossiling, this illustrated book will inspire you to explore the huge number of rich fossil deposits in Florida that can be found with just a shovel and a keen eye.
Mark Renz, writer and amateur paleontologist, has taught continuing education classes geared for beginner fossil collectors at Edison Community College in Fort Myers and leads fossil-finding expeditions in southwest Florida. He is the publisher of "Fossil Expeditions," a bimonthly newsletter for readers throughout the United States (and also the name of his guide service), and was the first president of the Paleontological Society of Lee County, Florida. He lives in Lehigh Acres, Florida.