Fly-Fishing in Southern New Mexico
208 pages, 6 x 9
8 halftones, 10 drawings, 16 maps
Release Date:01 Aug 1998

Fly-Fishing in Southern New Mexico

University of New Mexico Press

This unique guide leads the fly-fisherman to little-known trout waters in the remote mountains and canyons of southern New Mexico. Part One reviews trout species in southern New Mexico, fishing regulations, and safety tips. Part Two describes trout streams and lakes in southwestern New Mexico: the Gila National Forest, Pinos Altos Range, Black Range, Mogollon Creek System, San Francisco River system, and Blue River. Part Three is devoted to the waters of the Sacramento Mountains, Zuni Mountains, and the Rio Grande.

All descriptions of major drainages include a chart listing the location, available maps, elevation, length, best times to fish, fish species, and fishable tributaries. A map accompanies each drainage system. The authors offer directions to the streams and lakes, describe both main stems and fishable tributaries, and offer tips on how best to fish them. An appendix describes the important aquatic insects of the Gila National Forest.

Rex Johnson, Jr., a professional writer, holds an appointment in the department of mathematical sciences at the University of Texas, El Paso.

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