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Flora of the Northeast
Release Date:07 Nov 2007
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Flora of the Northeast

A Manual of the Vascular Flora of New England and Adjacent New York

University of Massachusetts Press
Designed as both a reference work and a year-round field manual, this volume contains more than 2,400 range maps and 995 line drawings, designed to clarify descriptions used in the keys. For botanists, naturalists, and students interested in an up-to-date treatment of the vascular flora of greater New England, it has proved to be an invaluable resource. The geographic scope of the work extends from the Canadian border south through Long Island and west to the Hudson River. The "General Keys" section contains fourteen keys that include such groups as aquatic plants, vines, and woody plants in winter condition. For both woody and herbaceous families, the keys cover flowering as well as fruiting conditions and rely heavily on the use of vegetative features to extend the utility of the book beyond the reproductive period.The "Descriptive Flora" section includes keys to all of the genera and species, descriptions of the families and genera, and accounts of the individual species. The latter incorporates information on wetland site index, rare status, wildlife food value, food and medicinal value for humans, and poisonous or hallucinogenic properties.This revised edition includes an updating of plant scientific names that changed since the first edition and an alphabetized list of plant families with page numbers on the inside front cover for easy reference. This edition also includes a new CD-ROM with a multiple-entry identification guide, hundreds of accompanying photographic images of genera, an illustrated glossary, and page reference numbers to genus descriptions in the manual.Presenting a wealth of scientifically accurate information in a precise and clear format, this volume serves as a reference work, as a textbook for classes in plant identification, and as a field manual.
Belongs on every public and academic library shelf in the Northeast, and will be a valuable reference for years to come.'—American Reference Books Annual
'Comprehensive and fascinating—even for readers far outside this manual's targeted region. Many plants discussed can be found throughout North America, and the flora's notes on food value for humans and wildlife and on medicinal and poisonous properties plus an index that includes proper plant names extend the readership beyond a professional audience.'—American Scientist
'Flora of the Northeast, in all an exceptionally well done flora, is a good example of a scholarly botanical product that will be both enjoyed and used by a wide audience, including not only motivated amateurs, but also hikers, wildflower enthusiasts, and gardeners.'—Taxon
'A useful feature in this edition is a random access identification key in CD-ROM format that includes color photographs of all genera in the text. This easy-to-use key likely will be a good resource for anyone preferring to identify pants using electronic aids.'—Choice
'This flora will be a valuable addition to the shelf of any New England botanist—for use both in the field and as a reference work.'—Plant Science Bulletin
Dennis W. Magee serves as a vice president at Normandeau Associates Environmental Consultants. The late Harry E. Ahles was curator of the Herbarium at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
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