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320 pages, 10 x 10
350 illustrations
Release Date:01 Nov 2024
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Fabricate 2024

Creating Resourceful Futures

Riverside Architectural Press

Fabricate 2024: Creating Resourceful Futures is the fifth volume in the series of Fabricate publications. The first conference – ‘Making Digital Architecture’ – explored the ways in which technology, design and industry are shaping the world around us. Since then, we have become finely attuned to the negative impacts of this shaping. The 2024 conference, hosted in Copenhagen, sets focus on the pressing need to develop new models for architectural production that rethink how resource is deployed, its intensity, its socio-ecological origins and sensitivity to environment.

This book features the work of designers, engineers and makers operating within the built environment. It documents disruptive approaches that reconsider how fabrication can be leveraged to address our collective and entangled challenges of resource scarcity, climate emergency and burgeoning demand. Exploring case studies of completed buildings and works-in-progress, together with interviews with leading thinkers, this edition of Fabricate offers a plurality of tangible models for design and production that set a creative and responsible course towards resourceful futures.

RELATED TOPICS: Architecture
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