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Expansive Discourses
350 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Jan 2009

Expansive Discourses

Urban Sprawl in Calgary, 1945–1978

Athabasca University Press

A groundbreaking study of urban sprawl in Calgary after the SecondWorld War. The interactions of land developers and the local governmentinfluenced how the pattern grew: developers met market demands andoptimized profits by building houses as efficiently as possible, whilethe City had to consider wider planning constraints and infrastructurecosts.

In Expansive Discourses, Foran examines the complexity oftheir interactions from a historical perspective, why each party actedas it did, and where each can be criticized.

Foran's unique contribution delves into the complexities of urban land development in a manner that no other study has in any other North American city. Alan F. J. Artibise, co-editor of The Canadian City: Essays in Urban and Social History
Max Foran is a Professor in the Faculty ofCommunication and Culture at the University of Calgary. He has writtenextensively on various western Canadian urban, rural, and culturaltopics, most recently on ranching, urban growth, and sustainability.



Part One: 1945-1962

Chapter 1: Setting the Stage

Chapter 2: Going It Alone, 1945-1954

Chapter 3: Establishing the Pattern, 1955-1962

Part Two: 1963-1978

Chapter 4: Entering a New Era

Chapter 5: The Annexation Debates, 1972-1978

Chapter 6: City-Developer Relations, 1964-1978

Chapter 7: Land Use



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