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Euphoria & Dystopia
800 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Mar 2012
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Euphoria & Dystopia

The Banff New Media Institute Dialogues

Edited by Sarah Cook and Sara Diamond
Riverside Architectural Press
A compendium of some of the most important thinking about art and technology to have taken place in the last few decades at the international level. Based on the research of the Banff New Media Institute from 1995 to 2005, these essays, transcripts and artists projects celebrate the belief that artists and cultural industries, in collaboration with scientists, social scientists and humanists, have a critical role to play in developing technologies that work for human betterment and allow for a more participatory culture. Each thematic chapter features an introduction, an original essay and carefully edited transcriptions drawn from thousands of hours of audio material with artists and theorists such as Laurie Anderson, Herve Fische, Kim Sawchuck, Zainub Verjee, Bill Vorn and many others. Also included is the catalogue of the exhibition, The Art Formerly Known As New Media, and a DVD based on the electronic journal, HorizonZero. Featured artists include Geoff Lillemon, Matthew Sloly, Maria Lantin, Shu Lea Cheang, Sara Diamond, Michael Naimark, Greg Niemeyer, Catherine Richards and Martin Wattenberg, Maciej Wisniewski. With a Forward by Kellogg Booth and an Afterword by Susan Kennard.
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