State of the World 2013
Is Sustainability Still Possible?
Resistance Is Fertile
Canadian Struggles on the BioCommons
A critical look at the social, environmental, and economic impacts of agricultural biotechnology in Canada.
Aboriginal Peoples and Forest Lands in Canada
Aboriginal Peoples and Forest Lands in Canada explores the historical, political, cultural, legal, and ethical issues surrounding forest resource use and discusses opportunities for collaboration between Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals.
The Kingdom of Rarities
An original and important investigation of rarity and its relationship to conservation.
Social Transformation in Rural Canada
Community, Cultures, and Collective Action
A series of stories, ideas, and insights into the social dynamics of change within rural Canada that help communities forge new ways of understanding and relating to each other and to the broader world.
River Notes
A Natural and Human History of the Colorado
Combining science and adventure with glorious imagery, this book follows environmental advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Wade Davis on a rafting adventure down the Colorado.
Global Farms Race
Land Grabs, Agricultural Investment, and the Scramble for Food Security
The first book to examine the burgeoning trend of buying up huge swaths of farmland abroad in all its complexity, considering the implications for investors, host countries, and the world as a whole.
Tibet Wild
A Naturalist’s Journey on the Roof of the World
Follows Dr. George Schaller’s expeditions to the Tibetan Plateau from 1984 until the present day, including an inside look at Schaller’s current and possibly most ambitious project: the creation of the Pamir International Peace Park at the junction of Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, and Tajikistan.
The Right to a Healthy Environment
Revitalizing Canada's Constitution
Renowned environmental lawyer David R. Boyd argues that Canada must constitutionalize environmental rights and responsibilities if it hopes to improve its environmental record.
Investing in Place
Economic Renewal in Northern British Columbia
A compelling exploration of place-based development as a timely, pragmatic approach to renewing rural and small-town economies in northern British Columbia.
Planning as if People Matter
Governing for Social Equity
This book goes beyond theory to give real-world examples of how better planning can level inequities.
Resilience Practice
Building Capacity to Absorb Disturbance and Maintain Function
In this follow-up to Resilience Thinking, Brian Walker and David Salt explore how systems can be managed to promote and sustain resilience.
An Environmental History of Canada
This text traces the interaction between humans and the Canadian landscape, from the arrival of the first peoples to our current environmental crisis.
Stewardship of the Built Environment
Sustainability, Preservation, and Reuse
Stewardship of the Built Environment shows how rehabilitating and reusing existing structures holds untapped potential for achieving sustainable communities.
Health and Sustainability in the Canadian Food System
Advocacy and Opportunity for Civil Society
Lays out new strategies for advocacy groups to achieve a sustainable, healthy food system.
Forest Economics
This book covers the basic economic principles and concepts and their application to modern forest management and policy issues.
The Nature of Borders
Salmon, Boundaries, and Bandits on the Salish Sea
This transnational view provides an understanding of the modern Pacific salmon crisis and reorients borderlands studies towards the Canada-US border while providing a new view of how Native Borders worked.
Climate and Conservation
Landscape and Seascape Science, Planning, and Action
Climate and Conservation offers readers tangible, place-based examples of projects designed to protect large landscapes as a means of conserving biodiversity in the face of the looming threat of global climate change.
Green Cities of Europe
Global Lessons on Green Urbanism
With Green Cities of Europe, Beatley offers the North American planning community not only a vision of holistic sustainability, but a clear guide to accomplishing it at home.
Cooler, Smarter
Practical Steps for Low-Carbon Living
This science-based guide shows you the most effective ways to cut your own global warming emissions by twenty percent or more, and explains why your individual contribution is so vital to addressing this global problem.
Making Meaning Out of Mountains
The Political Ecology of Skiing
Brings to the light the conflicting meanings attached to skiing by diverse groups in British Columbia.
Vital Signs 2012
The Trends that are Shaping Our Future
From obesity to ecosystem services, from grain production to nuclear power, this book offers the sometimes-shocking facts that need to guide our stewardship of the Earth’s resources.
State of the World 2012
Creating Sustainable Prosperity
An incisive assessment of environmental successes and failures over the past twenty years—and what we should do next.
Temagami's Tangled Wild
Race, Gender, and the Making of Canadian Nature
This book shows that wilderness is created rather than discovered, and describes how the creation of wilderness has led to the marginalization of Aboriginal peoples from their territories.
Blue-Green Province
The Environment and the Political Economy of Ontario
Blue-Green Province provides the first comprehensive study of environmental policy in Ontario and explores what lessons on the future of environmental and economic policy in Canada might be learned from this province’s experience.