Rethinking the Great White North
Race, Nature, and the Historical Geographies of Whiteness in Canada
Rethinking the Great White North explores the troubling side of the images of whiteness and wilderness that are so central to Canadian national identity.
Offshore Petroleum Politics
Regulation and Risk in the Scotian Basin
This comprehensive study of petroleum politics in the Scotian Basin reveals the complex interplay of regulation and risk as industry, federal, and provincial authorities struggle to develop Canada's Atlantic offshore oil and gas resources.
British Columbia’s Inland Rainforest
Ecology, Conservation, and Management
This book brings together information from a wide range of sources about the ecology, management, and conservation of British Columbia’s inland rainforest.
Wet Prairie
People, Land, and Water in Agricultural Manitoba
This in-depth exploration of surface water management in southern Manitoba reveals how coping with environmental realities has altered both residents’ relations with each other and their ideas about the role of the state.
Manufacturing National Park Nature
Photography, Ecology, and the Wilderness Industry of Jasper
Focusing on Jasper National Park, this richly illustrated book shows how photography has shaped and continues to inform perceptions of nature and ecological issues in Canada.
Trees in the Tide
The Ocean's Vanishing Rainforest
Trees in the Tide is the first narrative account for general readers on the social, economic, and ecological importance of what?s transpiring in the often fast-disappearing mangrove regions around the world.
Geography of British Columbia, Third Edition
People and Landscapes in Transition
This fully revised edition of an essential text adopts a mainly thematic approach to explore the development of BC’s physical and human geography.
Spirits of Our Whaling Ancestors
Revitalizing Makah and Nuu-chah-nulth Traditions
Following the revival of the gray whale hunt by the Makah and Nuu-chah-nulth tribes in the Pacific Northwest, this books looks at the significance of whaling to these societies, exploring environmentalism, animal rights, and what it means to be “Indian.”
Trail of Story, Travellers’ Path
Reflections on Ethnoecology and Landscape
A sensitive examination of meanings of landscape, this book draws on the author’s rich experience with diverse environments and peoples in western Canada.
The Industrial Transformation of Subarctic Canada
A revealing history of human impact in the Canadian North, this book focuses on the causes and consequences of the industries that replaced the fur trade.
Sensing Changes
Technologies, Environments, and the Everyday, 1953-2003
These narratives about state-driven megaprojects and technological and regulatory changes reveal how humans make sense of their world in the face of rapid environmental change.
The Beaver Hills Country
A History of Land and Life
This book explores a relatively small, but interesting and anomalous, region of Alberta between the North Saskatchewan and the Battle Rivers.
Home Is the Hunter
The James Bay Cree and Their Land
The James Bay Cree lived in relative isolation until 1970, when Northern Quebec was swept up in the political and cultural changes of the Quiet Revolution. Home Is the Hunter presents the historical, environmental, and cultural context from which this recent story grows.