Enceladus and the Icy Moons of Saturn
536 pages, 8 1/2 x 11
265 b-w illustrations, 41 tables, 40 page color in
Release Date:27 Nov 2018

Enceladus and the Icy Moons of Saturn

The University of Arizona Press
With active geysers coating its surface with dazzlingly bright ice crystals, Saturn’s large moon Enceladus is one of the most enigmatic worlds in our solar system. Underlying this activity are numerous further discoveries by the Cassini spacecraft, tantalizing us with evidence that Enceladus harbors a subsurface ocean of liquid water. Enceladus is thus newly realized as a forefront candidate among potentially habitable ocean worlds in our own solar system, although it is only one of a family of icy moons orbiting the giant ringed planet, each with its own story.
As a new volume in the Space Science Series, Enceladus and the Icy Moons of Saturn brings together nearly eighty of the world’s top experts writing more than twenty chapters to set the foundation for what we currently understand, while building the framework for the highest-priority questions to be addressed through ongoing spacecraft exploration. Topics include the physics and processes driving the geologic and geophysical phenomena of icy worlds, including, but not limited to, ring-moon interactions, interior melting due to tidal heating, ejection and reaccretion of vapor and particulates, ice tectonics, and cryovolcanism.
By contextualizing each topic within the profusion of puzzles beckoning from among Saturn’s many dozen moons, Enceladus and the Icy Moons of Saturn synthesizes planetary processes on a broad scale to inform and propel both seasoned researchers and students toward achieving new advances in the coming decade and beyond.
Paul M. Schenk is a staff scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, Texas. Roger N. Clark is a senior scientist at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona. Carly J. A. Howett is a section manager for the Outer Solar System Section in the Division of Space Science and Engineering at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Anne J. Verbiscer is a research professor in the Department of Astronomy at University of Virginia in Charlottesville. J. Hunter Waite is a program director for the Division of Space Science and Engineering at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas.
List of Contributing Authors
Acknowledgment of Reviewers

Enceladus as an Active World: History and Discovery
M. K. Dougherty, B. J. Buratti, P. K. Seidelmann, and J. R. Spencer
The Mysterious Origin of Enceladus: A Compositional Perspective
W. B.McKinnon, J. I. Lunine, O. Mousis, J. H. Waite, and M. Y. Zolotov
The Geochemistry of Enceladus: Composition and Controls
C. R. Glein, F. Postberg, and S. D. Vance
The Interior of Enceladus
D. Hemingway, L. Iess, R. Tajeddine, and G. Tobie
The Thermal and Orbital Evolution of Enceladus: Observational Constraints and Models
F. Nimmo, A. C. Barr, M. Běhounková, and W. B. McKinnon
The Geology of Enceladus
G. W. Patterson, S. A. Kattenhorn, P. Helfenstein, G. C. Collins, and R .T. Pappalardo

Plume and Surface Composition of Enceladus
F. Postberg, R. N. Clark, C. J. Hansen, A. J. Coates, C. M. Dalle Ore, F. Scipioni, M. M. Hedman, and J. H. Waite
Plume Origins and Plumbing: From Ocean to Surface
J. R. Spencer, F. Nimmo, A. P. Ingersoll, T. A. Hurford, E. S. Kite, A. R. Rhoden, J. Schmidt, and C. J. A. Howett
Enceladus Plume Dynamics: From Surface to Space
D. B. Goldstein, M. Hedman, M. Manga, M. Perry, J. Spitale, and B. Teolis
Saturn’s Diffuse E Ring and Its Connection with Enceladus
S. Kempf, M. Horányi, H.-W. Hsu, T. W. Hill, A. Juhász, and H. T. Smith
Enceladus and Its Influence on Saturn’s Magnetosphere
H. T. Smith, F. J. Crary, M. K. Dougherty, M. E. Perry, E. Roussos, S. Simon, and R. L. Tokar

Saturn’s Other Icy Moons: Geologically Complex Worlds in Their Own Right
P. Schenk, O. L. White, P. K. Byrne, and J. M. Moore
Cratering Histories in the Saturnian System
M. R. Kirchoff, E. B. Bierhaus, L. Dones, S. J. Robbins, K. N. Singer, R. J. Wagner, and K. J. Zahnle
Origin and Evolution of Saturn’s Mid-Sized Moons
J. C. Castillo-Rogez, D. Hemingway, A. Rhoden, G. Tobie, and W. B. McKinnon
Surface Composition of Saturn’s Icy Moons
A. R. Hendrix, B. J. Buratti, D. P. Cruikshank, R. N. Clark, F. Scipioni, and C. J. A. Howett
Surface Properties of Saturn’s Icy Moons from Optical Remote Sensing
A. J. Verbiscer, P. Helfenstein, B. J. Buratti, and E. Royer
Ring and Magnetosphere Interactions with Satellite Surfaces
C. J. A. Howett, A. R. Hendrix, T. A. Nordheim, C. Paranicas, J. R. Spencer, and A. J. Verbiscer
Exospheres and Magnetospheric Currents at Saturn’s Icy Moons: Dione and Rhea
B. Teolis, R. Tokar, T. Cassidy, K. Khurana, and T. Nordheim
The Inner Small Satellites of Saturn and Hyperion
P. C. Thomas, M. S. Tiscareno, and P. Helfenstein
The Irregular Satellites of Saturn
T. Denk, S. Mottola, F. Tosi, W. F. Bottke, and D. P. Hamilton

Enceladus Astrobiology, Habitability, and the Origin of Life
C. P. McKay, A. Davila, C. R. Glein, K. P. Hand, and A. Stockton
Future Exploration of Enceladus and Other Saturnian Moons
J. I. Lunine, A. Coustenis, G. Mitri, G. Tobie, and F. Tosi
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