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Dustship Glory
240 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Release Date:01 Apr 2011

Dustship Glory

By Andreas Schroeder; Foreword by Don Kerr
Athabasca University Press

In this new edition of a prairie classic, Andreas Schroederfictionalizes the true story of Tom Sukanen’s wild scheme tobuild an ocean-going ship in the middle of a wheat field inSaskatchewan. Set during the hardships of the “DirtyThirties,” Dustship Glory presents us withSukanen’s mythic effort to escape both the drought and pestilenceof his time, as well as his own personal struggle to be free.

Featuring an illuminating foreword by beloved Saskatoon writer DonKerr, Dustship Glory will provide Canadian and internationalaudiences alike with the opportunity to reacquaint themselves with thedramatic tale of a ship that still stands in the fields south of MooseJaw in Saskatchewan.


  • , Runner-up - Seal First Novel Award
Aside from its tale of a prairie eccentric, Dustship Glory provides as vivid a portrait of the Dustbowl as Sinclair Ross's The Lamp at Noon. Armin Wiebe
With Dustship Glory, his tale of a visionary Tom Sukanen, Andreas Schroeder has joined the sparse and powerful company of writers made up of Kroetsch and Wiebe and Vanderhaeghe, whose prairie saints and madmen have taken hold and will never let go of this country's imagination. What Schroeder has accomplished is, quite simply, magical. Timothy Findley
Andreas Schroeder is a Canadian novelist, poet, andnonfiction writer.
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