Checklist for Change
240 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:20 Aug 2013
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Checklist for Change

Making American Higher Education a Sustainable Enterprise

Rutgers University Press
Almost every day American higher education is making news with a list of problems that includes the incoherent nature of the curriculum, the resistance of the faculty to change, and the influential role of the federal government both through major investments in student aid and intrusive policies. Checklist for Change not only diagnoses these problems, but also provides constructive recommendations for practical change.

Robert Zemsky details the complications that have impeded every credible reform intended to change American higher education. He demythologizes such initiatives as the Morrill Act, the GI Bill, and the Higher Education Act of 1972, shedding new light on their origins and the ways they have shaped higher education in unanticipated and not commonly understood ways. Next, he addresses overly simplistic arguments about the causes of the problems we face and builds a convincing argument that well-intentioned actions have combined to create the current mess for which everyone is to blame.

Using provocative case studies, Zemsky describes the reforms being implemented at a few institutions with the hope that these might serve as harbingers of the kinds of change needed: the University of Minnesota at Rochester’s compact curriculum in the health sciences only, Whittier College’s emphasis on learning outcomes, and the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’s coherent overall curriculum.

In conclusion, Zemsky describes the principal changes that must occur not singly but in combination. These include a fundamental recasting of federal financial aid; new mechanisms for better channeling the competition among colleges and universities; recasting the undergraduate curriculum; and a stronger, more collective faculty voice in governance that defines not why, but how the enterprise must change.
In Zemsky's blunt and accessible new book, he delivers a refreshing vision and outline for reforming American higher education that is neither starry-eyed nor hopeless, and thankfully free of neo-inspirational screed, flowery rhetoric, or a call-to-arms ending. His diagnosis of and solutions to escalating costs, improving scholarship, and raising completion rates are thought-provoking, and he cites many real-life innovations. Publishers Weekly
This book is a call to arms—a compelling and challenging synthesis of the experiences, analysis, and wisdom of a leader in higher education policy. James J. Duderstadt, University of Michigan
This book is a breakthrough contribution. Zemsky tells us to stop making the same old, unproductive arguments yet again, and to take a set of actions which, in combination, will help us create a new, effective, and sustainable future for higher education. Richard A. Detweiler, President, Great Lakes Colleges Association

ROBERT ZEMSKY is a professor and the chair of the Learning Alliance for Higher Education at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author or coauthor of numerous books, including Remaking the American University: Market Smart and Mission Centered and Making Reform Work: The Case for Transforming American Higher Education (both Rutgers University Press).

1. Trapped in an Ecclesiastes Moment
2. A Faculty Encamped Just North of Armageddon
3. A Federalized Market with Little Incentive to Change
4. A Regulatory Quagmire
5. A Troublesome Fractiousness
6. A Disruptive Lexicon
7. A Different Footprint
8. A Liberal Arts Conundrum
9. A New Peace Treaty
10. A Stronger Faculty Voice
11. A Competent Curriculum
12. A Federal Commitment to Fix, Fund, and Facilitate
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