Champagne and Meatballs
Adventures of a Canadian Communist
Active for over forty years with the Communist Party of Canada, BertWhyte was a journalist, an underground party organizer and soldierduring the Second World War, and a press correspondent in Beijing andMoscow. But any notion of him as a Communist party hack would bemistaken. Whyte never let leftist ideology get in the way of a greatyarn. In Champagne and Meatballs – a memoir written notlong before his death in Moscow in 1984 – we meet a cigar-smokingrogue who was at least as happy at a pool hall as at a politicalmeeting. His stories of bumming across Canada in the 1930s, of combatand camaraderie at the front lines in the Second World War, and ofsurviving as a dissident in troubled times make for compellingreading.
The manuscript of Champagne and Meatballs was brought tolight and edited by historian Larry Hannant, who has written afascinating and thought-provoking introduction to the text. Brash,irreverent, informative, and entertaining, Whyte’s tale ishistory and biography accompanied by a wink of his eye — the leftone, of course.
Introduction by Larry Hannant
Chapter 1. Early Years
Chapter 2. The 1930s
Chapter 3. The War
Chapter 4. Postwar Years
Chapter 5. Letters from China, with a foreword by Monica Whyte