Carmen Giménez Smith
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
Bring Down the Little Birds
On Mothering, Art, Work, and Everything Else
The University of Arizona Press
Combining fragments of thought, daydreams, entries from notebooks both real and imaginary, and real-life experiences, Carmen Giménez Smith interrogates everything involved in becoming and being a mother for both the first and second times. She wonders what her children will one day know about her own “secret life,” meditates on the physical effects of pregnancy, and questions the myths about, nostalgia for, and glorification of motherhood.
Milk and Filth
The University of Arizona Press
National Book Critics Circle Award Finalist Milk and Filth is a collection of forty-two poems exploring issues of gender, equality, sexuality and the artist-as-thinker in modern culture. Deftly blending a variety of tones, styles, and structure, Giménez Smith’s poems evocatively explores deep cultural issues.
- Copyright year: 2013
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