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Release Date:01 Oct 2007

Canadian Writers in 1984

UBC Press

Canadian Writers in 1984 is a special double length,hardback edition of the 100th issue of Canadian Literature. The booknot only celebrates a publishing landmark in the history of the journalbut also reflects the incredible richness of Canada's contemporaryliterary scene. The collection features the work of outstanding newwriters as well as poems and essays written especially for this issueby Canada's most famous poets, novelists, dramatists, andessayists.

Among the 29 essayists are Matt Cohen, Timothy Findley, Naim Kattan,Irving Layton, Dorothy Livesay, Eli Mandel, Jane Rule, Aritha Van Herk,and George Woodcock. The writings exhibit a diversity of styles andthemes: Margaret Laurence on war and peace, Eric Nicol on commercialwriting, Marian Engel on starting a new novel, James Reaney onregionalism, David Watmough on places, and David Helwig on arguing withGod.

The poets comprise a virtual "Who's Who" in Canadianpoetry today: Margaret Atwood, Bill Bissett, Barry Dempster, JoyKogawa, Dennis Lee, George McWhirter, Susan Musgrave, Michael Ondaatje,Al Purdy, Robin Skelton, Raymond Souster, and Tom Wayman are among over60 of the poets represented.

Prefaces to the book have been contributed by Governor GeneralEdward Schreyer; Dr. George Pederson, President of the University ofBritish Columbia; and Canada's grand man of letters, MavorMoore.

W.H. New is a professor in the English department atthe University of British Columbia and Editor of CanadianLiterature.

Preface By the Rt. Hon. Edward R. Schreyer (3), MavorMoore (4), K. George Pedersen (6)

Editorial: Rhythms of Discovery


Clark Blaise Portrait of the Artist as Young Pup

Nicole Brossard Journal Intime

Matt Cohen Notes on Realism in Modern English CanadianFiction

Michael Cook Culture as Cairiacture; Reflections on acontinuing obsession: Newfoundland

Marian Engel Why and How and Why Not and What is This,About Starting Another Novel...

Timothy Findley The Countries of Invention

Keath Fraser Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction

Don Gutterridge Local Culture and the National Will

David Helwig Mere Self

Paul Hiebert Avenues of Research Suggested by the FletchersCastoria Box

Hugh Hood The End of Emma

Naim Kattan Le Jardin Reve

Henry Kreisel "Has Anyone Here Heard of MarjoriePickthall?" Discovering the Canadian Literary Landscape

Margaret Laurence My Final Hour

Dorothy Livesay All Aboa-r-rd!

Andre Major Petite Histoire d'une Obsession

Eli Mandel Auschwitz: Poetry of Alienation

Daphne Marlatt Entering In: The Immigrant Imagination

Eric Nicol Confessions of a Commercial Writer

James Reaney Ontario Culture and-What?

Jane Rule The Canadian Climate

Stephen Scobie Amelia, or: Who Do You Think You Are?Documentary and Identity in Canadian Literature

Josef Skvorecky Are Canadians Politically Naive? SomeObservations by a New Canadian from the Old World

Audrey Thomas Basmati Rice; An Essay about Words

Guy Vanderhaege Influences

Aritha Van Herk The Art of Blackmail: Secrets andSeeing

David Watmough On Coming to British Columbia: Some Personal& Literary Reflections

Rudy Wiebe On Death and Writing

George Woodcock A Cycle of Ind

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