Showing 261-270 of 285 items.

Whose North?

Political Change, Political Development, and Self Government in the Northwest Territories

UBC Press

This provides the context for a better understanding of these issues and traces the evolution of an innovative, increasingly indigenous, governmental process.

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Thomas Crosby and the Tsimshian

Small Shoes for Feet Too Large

UBC Press

Clarence Bolt demonstrates that the Aboriginal peoples of Canada were conscious participants in the acculturation and conversion process -- as long as this met their goals.

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The Struggle for Social Justice in British Columbia

Helena Gutteridge, the Unknown Reformer

UBC Press
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Kwakiutl String Figures

UBC Press

Kwakiutl String Figures will interest students of comparative cultures and will delight all who have time (and string) on their hands.

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Contact and Conflict

Indian-European Relations in British Columbia, 1774-1890 (2nd edition)

UBC Press

Originally published in 1977, Contact and Conflict has inspired numerous scholars to examine further the relationships between the Indians and the Europeans – fur traders as well as settlers.

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A Complex Culture of the British Columbia Plateau

Traditional Stl'atl'imx Resource Use

Edited by Brian Hayden
UBC Press

This volume considers two British Columbia Native communities – the Lillooet and Shuswap communities of Fountain and Pavilion – and traces their development into complex societies.

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Life Lived Like a Story

Life Stories of Three Yukon Native Elders

UBC Press

The life stories of three remarkable and gifted women of Athapaskan and Tlingit ancestry who were born in the southern Yukon Territory around the turn of the century - when storytelling provides a customary framework for discussing the past.

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Grassroots Politicians

Party Activists in British Columbia

UBC Press

The first systematic account of party activists at the provincial level in Canada.

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Alex Lord's British Columbia

Recollections of a Rural School Inspector, 1915-1936

Edited by John Calam
UBC Press

These memoirs invite the reader to experience the British Columbia that Alex Lord knew. Through his words, we endure the difficulties of travel in this mountainous province.

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A Pioneer Gentlewoman in British Columbia

The Recollections of Susan Allison

UBC Press
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