Showing 161-200 of 499 items.

North to Bondage

Loyalist Slavery in the Maritimes

UBC Press

The first history of black slavery in the Maritimes, North to Bondage is a startling corrective to the enduring myth of Canada as a land of freedom at the end of the Underground Railroad.

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Far Off Metal River

Inuit Lands, Settler Stories, and the Making of the Contemporary Arctic

UBC Press

Drawing on the story of the 1771 Bloody Falls massacre, human geographer Emilie Cameron explores the relationship between stories and colonialism, challenging readers to examine their perceptions of the contemporary Arctic and its peoples.

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Working Mothers and the Child Care Dilemma

A History of British Columbia’s Social Policy

UBC Press

As a deeply researched history, Working Mothers and the Child Care Dilemma reveals how, for over 100 years, a persistent political uneasiness with the role of mothers in the workforce has contributed to the lack of affordable, quality child care services in British Columbia.

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The People and the Bay

A Social and Environmental History of Hamilton Harbour

UBC Press

This engaging history brings to life the personalities and power struggles that shaped how Hamiltonians used their harbour and, in the process, invites readers to consider how moral and political choices being made about the natural world today will shape the cities of tomorrow.

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Lock, Stock, and Icebergs

A History of Canada’s Arctic Maritime Sovereignty

UBC Press

Lock, Stock, and Icebergs recounts the events, pressures, and behind-the-scenes negotiations that shaped Canada’s legal claim to the Northwest Passage and the waters of the Arctic Archipelago.

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Conflicting Visions

Canada and India in the Cold War World, 1946-76

UBC Press

Conflicting Visions recounts the Cold War history of Canada’s turbulent diplomatic relationship with India, from India’s independence through to its controversial emergence as a nuclear power, using Canadian technology to help build its first nuclear device.

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Maritime Command Pacific

The Royal Canadian Navy’s West Coast Fleet in the Early Cold War

UBC Press

One of Canada’s leading military historians recounts the story of the Canadian navy’s Pacific fleet during the tense years of the early Cold War.

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Making a Scene

Lesbians and Community across Canada, 1964-84

UBC Press

A celebratory history of how lesbians “made a scene” by creating places and opportunities to form relationships, debate politics, and build their own culture across Canada.

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From Slave Girls to Salvation

Gender, Race, and Victoria’s Chinese Rescue Home, 1886-1923

UBC Press

A fascinating and critical study of the Chinese Rescue Home, an iconic institution in Victoria, BC, where members of the Women’s Missionary Society taught domestic skills to Chinese and Japanese women believed to be prostitutes, slave girls, or to be at risk of falling into these roles.

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Beyond Testimony and Trauma

Oral History in the Aftermath of Mass Violence

Edited by Steven High
UBC Press

By challenging the ways that survivors of mass violence are typically understood as either eyewitnesses to history or victims of it, the contributors to this volume ask us to go “beyond testimony” to embrace sustained listening and collaborative research design.

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So They Want Us to Learn French

Promoting and Opposing Bilingualism in English-Speaking Canada

UBC Press

So They Want Us to Learn French examines how and why Canadians both embraced and virulently opposed the ideal of personal bilingualism over the past fifty years, detailing and analyzing the strategies that social movements on both sides used to advance their goals.

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When Good Drugs Go Bad

Opium, Medicine, and the Origins of Canada’s Drug Laws

UBC Press

This intoxicating look at the history of drug regulation in Canada reveals how a variety of social and political forces converged at the turn of the twentieth century to transform both public attitudes toward, and access to, narcotics.

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The Life and Politics of Paul Martin Sr.

UBC Press

Grit examines the remarkable life and political career of Paul Martin Sr., a liberal reformer and cabinet minister from 1945 to 1968, who championed health care and pension rights, new meanings for Canadian citizenship, and internationalism in world affairs.

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Resettling the Range

Animals, Ecologies, and Human Communities in British Columbia

UBC Press

This unconventional history looks at the resettlement of interior British Columbia from the perspective of campaigns to exterminate grasshoppers and wild horses, creatures considered by some to be pests.

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In Peace Prepared

Innovation and Adaptation in Canada’s Cold War Army

UBC Press

This book explores how the Canadian Army prepared for the possibility of a Third World War and how its innovations and adaptations laid the groundwork for the evolution of our national army.

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The First Nations of British Columbia, Third Edition

An Anthropological Overview

UBC Press

The First Nations of British Columbia is a concise and accessible introduction to histories, cultures, and issues of the First Peoples of BC.

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African Canadians in Union Blue

Volunteering for the Cause in the Civil War

UBC Press

A landmark account of the background, motivations, and experiences of African Canadian volunteers in America’s Civil War.

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Paths to the Bench

The Judicial Appointment Process in Manitoba, 1870-1950

UBC Press

A close study of the judges appointed in early 20th-century Manitoba, revealing Canada’s highly political judicial appointment process.

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French Canadians, Furs, and Indigenous Women in the Making of the Pacific Northwest

UBC Press

This book describes how a long generation of founding French Canadians shaped the Pacific Northwest.

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Native Art of the Northwest Coast

A History of Changing Ideas

UBC Press

A remarkable volume that makes accessible for the first time and in one place a broad selection of more than 250 years of writing on Northwest Coast Native art.

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Rebel Youth

1960s Labour Unrest, Young Workers, and New Leftists in English Canada

UBC Press

Rebel Youth draws important connections between the stories of young workers and the youth movement in Canada, claiming a central place for labour and class in the legacy of the 1960s.

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Cultivating Connections

The Making of Chinese Prairie Canada

UBC Press

The voices of Chinese immigrants who settled in the pre-1950s Canadian prairies come alive in this extraordinary record of migration, settlement, and community life.

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Welcome to Resisterville

American Dissidents in British Columbia

UBC Press

A compelling, highly readable study of American migration to the West Kootenays and of the counterculture values that created a vibrant society in the Canadian wilderness.

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Private Women and the Public Good

Charity and State Formation in Hamilton, Ontario, 1846-93

UBC Press

An engaging history of the Ladies Benevolent Society and Hamilton Orphan Asylum and a broad consideration of the ability of women’s charitable work to bridge the nineteenth-century boundaries of public and private spheres.

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Equality Deferred

Sex Discrimination and British Columbia’s Human Rights State, 1953-84

UBC Press

A history of human rights law in Canada, with a focus on sex discrimination in British Columbia.

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Oral History at the Crossroads

Sharing Life Stories of Survival and Displacement

UBC Press

Drawing on a collaborative research project, this book provides an alternative model for how oral and public histories should be recorded and curated.

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According to Baba

A Collaborative Oral History of Sudbury’s Ukrainian Community

UBC Press

This book employs new and critical approaches to oral history to write an insightful and deeply personal history of Sudbury’s Ukrainian community between 1901 and 1939.

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Negotiating a River

Canada, the US, and the Creation of the St. Lawrence Seaway

UBC Press

A revealing look at the planning and building of the St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project -- a megaproject that had a profound impact on North American history.

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Unlikely Diplomats

The Canadian Brigade in Germany, 1951-64

UBC Press

An original and critical account of the evolution of the Canadian Army and Canada’s relationship with NATO in the Cold War era.

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Feminist History in Canada

New Essays on Women, Gender, Work, and Nation

UBC Press

This new collection of original research demonstrates the continued relevance of the feminist history project in Canada.

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A National Force

The Evolution of Canada’s Army, 1950-2000

UBC Press

A groundbreaking reassessment of when, and why, Canada’s army broke away from its British imperial roots to become a truly national force.

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A Small Price to Pay

Consumer Culture on the Canadian Home Front, 1939-45

UBC Press

A long-overdue challenge to the commonplace assumption that the Second World War was a period of consumer austerity in Canada.

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Building Sanctuary

The Movement to Support Vietnam War Resisters in Canada, 1965-73

UBC Press

This book brings to light the activities and influence of the anti-draft groups that sprang up to build support for American Vietnam war resisters in Canada.

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Canada’s Global Villagers

CUSO in Development, 1961-86

UBC Press

An authoritative history of an organization that engaged thousands of young Canadians in the practice and politics of international development.

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Death or Deliverance

Canadian Courts Martial in the Great War

UBC Press

In this eye-opening account of military law in the Great War, courts martials emerge not as brutal, merciless dispensers of frontline justice but as courts capable of mercy.

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Consuming Modernity

Gendered Behaviour and Consumerism before the Baby Boom

UBC Press

Placing Canada in an international context, this book explores the intersections of gender, modernity, and consumerism from 1919 to 1945.

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Where Happiness Dwells

A History of the Dane-zaa First Nations

UBC Press

This innovative blend of oral history and anthropological commentary documents how the Dane-zaa survived and flourished for millennia in northern BC.

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Canoe Nation

Nature, Race, and the Making of a Canadian Icon

UBC Press

An exploration of the canoe and its role in Canadian culture, nature, and colonial past.

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Keeping Canada British

The Ku Klux Klan in 1920s Saskatchewan

UBC Press

This provocative book provides a new interpretation of the Ku Klux Klan in 1920s Saskatchewan, arguing that it should not be portrayed merely as an irrational outburst of intolerance but as a slightly more extreme version of mainstream opinion that wanted to keep Canada British.

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Wildlife, Conservation, and Conflict in Quebec, 1840-1914

UBC Press

A revealing look at the origins of modern wildlife conservation in Quebec.

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