This book illuminates the major economic and political factors thathave led to the development of a particular pattern of trade in forestproducts, and it examines and compares the legal structures withinwhich this trade takes place.
Standard economic and political methods of analysis are used tostudy the history of this trade, including such recent developments asthe Free Trade Agreement. Several of the chapters focus on two recenttrade disputes involving Canadian exports of shakes and shingles and ofsoftwood lumber to the United States. These disputes are instructivefor understanding not only the politics of trade but also importanteconomic issues such as the measurement and impact of timber subsidies.In addition, the authors consider the factors affecting foreign marketshare, and the burden of tariffs and export taxes.
A useful and timely book that sheds light on some of the fundamental issues affecting trade between Canada and the United States, both now and in the future ... should be a 'must' for those who need to understand trade and trade relations ... All in all an excellent book.
1. Introduction and Summary / Irving J. Fox and Russell S.Uhler
2. The Politics of Canada-U.S. Trade in Forest Products / IrvingJ. Fox
3. The Political Economy of Canada-U.S. Trade in Forest Products /Luis Constantino and Michael Percy
4. Canadian Public Timber Pricing and the Great Subsidy Debate /Russell S. Uhler
5. Interregional and Intertemporal Differences in North AmericanSoft Wood Lumber Production Costs / Luis Constantino and Russell S.Uhler
6. Canada-U.S. Trade and the Product Mix of the Canadian Pulp andPaper Industry / Russell S. Uhler, Gary M. Townsend and LuisConstantino
7. The Legal Context of Canada-U.S. Trade in Forest Products /Christian Yoder and William Gilliland