Black Wolf of the Glacier
30 pages, 8 x 10
30 color plates
Release Date:15 Mar 2013
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Black Wolf of the Glacier

Alaska's Romeo

By Deb Vanasse; Illustrated by Nancy Slagle
University of Alaska Press
In 2003, Alaskans fell for a lolloping, dog-friendly wolf they named Romeo. Left without a pack, this lone wolf found a new family among Juneau’s domestic dogs and their owners, who became enamored with his striking looks and friendly demeanor. For years he remained a constant companion to residents of Juneau and their dogs, becoming a familiar and sociable presence in their lives. While his unusual tale had a tragic end, his legacy of respect and trust lives on.

Black Wolf of the Glacier 
tells the story of this beloved legend through the eyes of Shawna, whose dog becomes best friends with Romeo. While initially afraid, Shawna ultimately learns to love the benevolent wolf. When Romeo goes missing, Shawna begins a determined search to find him, bringing readers along for the adventure.
Deb Vanasse’s heartfelt prose and Nancy Slagle’s charming illustrations will delight Romeo’s many fans and capture the hearts of readers new to the story. Black Wolf of the Glacier beautifully captures the soul of Romeo’s story and celebrates the bonds we still form with our wild world.
Black Wolf of the Glacier is both a lasting tribute to a noble wild animal and a testament to the two-sided, ongoing relationship (with the potential capacity for good or evil) between wild animals and humans. Midwest Book Review
Deb Vanasse is the author of several books for children and adults, including A Distant Enemy. She is the co-founder of and teacher at the 49 Writers Alaska Writing Center.
Black Wolf of the Glacier

Author’s Note
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