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Beyond Pronouns
224 pages, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
2 b&w line drawings
Release Date:21 Jun 2022

Beyond Pronouns

The Essential Guide for Parents of Trans Children

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

If your child or teen recently told you they are transgender, non-binary or genderfluid, you're bound to have questions. You may wonder how best to support your child's transition and doubt whether you are making the right decisions.

When her son came out as transgender, Tammy Plunkett had the same worries. In <i>Beyond Pronouns</i>, she shares her candid experiences learning to navigate her child's transition and provides clear and practical guidance to help you do the same. She deals with many frequently asked questions, including:

  • Is this a phase?
  • Why not wait until they're an adult?
  • How do I tell others my child is gender-diverse?
  • Where do we start a child's transition?

Offering gentle guidance through the first 100 days and beyond, Tammy uniquely addresses the need for parents to be supported so they can best care for their child. You will find ways to face common fears, have important conversations with your child, be a good ally and much more, with age-appropriate approaches that aim for a happy and connected family.

Tammy Plunkett is the mother of four children, all of whom identify as queer, including her third child, who came out as transgender at age 11. Tammy is a certified life coach, writer, and speaker who began her career as a registered nurse. She founded a monthly support group for parents of transgender children while serving on the board of Airdrie Pride. She lives in Alberta, Canada.

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