Athabasca University Press is Canada’s first open access scholarly press. Founded in 2007 with the principal aim of reducing barriers to knowledge and increasing access to scholarship, AU Press is committed to bringing the work of emerging and established scholars to the public. With both an open-access journal and monograph program, they make a significant contribution to the growing body of academic and literary work that is available to a global readership at no cost to the reader.
Teaching Crowds
Learning and Social Media
Online Distance Education
Towards a Research Agenda
Offers a systematic overview of the major issues, trends, and areas of priority in online distance education research.
The Letters of Vincent van Gogh
A Critical Study
As the first literary critical study of Vincent van Gogh’s letters, The Letters of Vincent van Gogh presents the painter’s letters as purposeful imaginative creations that chart van Gogh’s evolving conception of himself as an artist.
Transparent Lives
Surveillance in Canada
This highly readable book tells Canadians what they ought to know to better understand the ways in which surveillance is expanding – mostly unchecked – into every facet of their lives, and what they can do about it.
Teaching in Blended Learning Environments
Creating and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry
Provides a coherent framework in which to explore the transformative concept of blended learning, the integration of complementary face-to-face and online approaches and technologies.