Showing 1-48 of 48 items.

Neurodiversity in the Workplace

How neurodivergent individuals can find their place and thrive

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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Autism and the Culture of Therapy

The Politics and Practice of Applied Behaviour Analysis

UBC Press

Autism and the Culture of Therapy investigates the larger systems that regulate applied behaviour therapies, their negotiation and application by practitioners and parents, and how they have redefined what autism means.

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No Heels, No Problem

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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Unmothering Autism

Ethical Disruptions and Affirming Care

UBC Press

Unmothering Autism rethinks autism and mothering to reveal what it means for us to live well together in, and through, difference.

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Conversations with Monsters

On mortality, creativity and neurodivergent survival

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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Where Do I Start?

How to navigate the emotional journey of autism parenting

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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So, I'm Autistic

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Introduction to autism for teenagers/young adults new to the diagnosis, written by a peer with lived experience.

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The Autistic Guide to Adventure

Active Pursuits from Archery to Wild Swimming for Tweens and Teens

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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Black and Dyslexic

An Anthology of Lived Experience from a Cultural Perspective

By Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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The Asperkid's (Secret) Book of Social Rules, 10th Anniversary Edition

The Guide to Understanding Not-So-Obvious Neurotypical Social Norms for Autistic Tweens and Teens

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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Why Can't You Hear Me?

Our Autistic Daughter’s Struggle to Be Understood

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

A powerful book showing the importance of providing better support for women with complex and critical needs, following the tragic death of Colette McCulloch.

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All Cats Are on the Autism Spectrum

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Fresh, fun update to this classic bestseller, which playfully explains autism through pictures of cats.

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Autistic Transgender People in Their Own Words

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This collection of personal essays examines the intersection of autism and gender diversity. Written by trans autistic people from across the globe, these stories highlight their varied experiences of coming out, college and university life, accessing healthcare, physical transition, friendships and relationships, sexuality, pregnancy, parenting, and late life self-discovery.

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All Dogs Have ADHD

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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The Ice Cream Sundae Guide to Autism

An Interactive Kid’s Book for Understanding Autism

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This is a book for children aged 7-11 that explains the different ways autistic brains work. The book uses ice cream flavours to represent various aspects of autism such as difficulties with language, social interaction and rigidity of thinking. It includes illustrations and workbook activities to help children cement their understanding of autism.

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Life Will Never Be Dull

The Little Book of Autism Adventures

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

A light-hearted illustrated book that depicts the everyday (and occasionally exceptional!) experiences of raising a child with autism. The charming pictures and wise words within are a source of comfort, solidarity and humour for all autistic families.

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Launching Your Autistic Youth to Successful Adulthood

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This book addresses the concerns parents of autistic teenagers may have as their child transitions to adult life. It explores specific aspects of adult life such as independence, employment and social life, and offers practical solutions for common transition-related challenges such as finding suitable living arrangements and financial planning.

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Autism, Bullying and Me

The Really Useful Stuff You Need to Know About Coping Brilliantly with Bullying

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This accessible guide for autistic children and teens is full of advice for coping successfully with bullying. It helps the reader understand what bullying is and debunks myths such as 'bullying makes you stronger'. It also lays out self-empowering strategies and practical tips on how to deal with situations where they are being bullied.

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The Awesome Autistic Go-To Guide

A Practical Handbook for Autistic Teens and Tweens

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This is a workbook for young people aged 10-14 on the autism spectrum. It encourages teens and tweens to identify their strengths, suggests how they can develop their identity, and celebrates neurodiversity. It also has tips for managing tricky situations such as anxiety and meltdowns, as well as fun activities and interactive sections.

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The Spectrum Girl's Survival Guide

How to Grow Up Awesome and Autistic

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

The ultimate advice guide for autistic teenage girls, written by an award-winning autistic teen campaigner. With practical tips on friendships, dating, mental health, bullying and school life to help you overcome any challenge.

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College on the Autism Spectrum

A Parent's Guide to Students' Mental Health and Wellbeing

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Advice for parents helping a child on the autism spectrum prepare for and attend college. Covers everything from academic trials, social links and independent living through to mental health, sensory issues and student services, this book provides skills for parent and child to allow teens to navigate the complex world of college independently.

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Your Interests, My Interests

A Visual Guide to Playing and Hanging Out for Children on the Autism Spectrum

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Children on the autism spectrum can find playing with other children difficult. This colourful and fun visual guide, full of examples and activities, shows how they can find common interests with their friends, peers and family, so that they can have more fun playing and hanging out together.

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Our Autistic Lives

Personal Accounts from Autistic Adults Around the World Aged 20 to 70+

Edited by Alex Ratcliffe
Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Spanning six decades of experience, this collection of first-hand accounts from adults with Asperger's and High Functioning Autism is about ageing with an autistic mind and the advantages and challenges that different eras in life can bring. It highlights common themes, such as the difference made by a diagnosis, to unite the experiences.

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Trauma, Stigma, and Autism

Developing Resilience and Loosening the Grip of Shame

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This book explores how stigma can cause trauma, providing guidance on how marginalised people can develop resilience to manage and heal from traumatic stigma. Gordon Gates draws on his experience as a crisis counsellor, philosophical research, and his lived experience of stigma, trauma and autism.

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Spectrum Women

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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Autism and the Stress Effect

A 4-Step Lifestyle Approach to Transform Your Child's Health,Happiness and Vitality

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This innovative intervention approach focuses on reducing the stress and anxiety in the life of a child with Autism.

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Toilet Training and Autism Spectrum Disorder

A Guide for Professionals

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This book looks at toilet training difficulties for children with autism spectrum conditions, and presents practical interventions to help children overcome these problems. Packed with essential information on bowel and bladder function, this book also gives helpful advice for developing and implementing a toilet plan in different settings.

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Older Adults and Autism Spectrum Conditions

An Introduction and Guide

By Wenn Lawson; Foreword by Carol Povey
Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Highlighting the specific difficulties and challenges that older people with autism may face with regards to living arrangements, changes to social habits and communicating with carers, as well as health issues, this book shows ways to support people with autism as they reach retirement age.

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Marriage and Lasting Relationships with Asperger's Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder)

Successful Strategies for Couples or Counselors

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Offering practical advice straight from the couples counseling room, Eva A. Mendes provides an insider's view into what couples and counselors can do to help make an ASD relationship last. She outlines the challenges faced in an ASD relationship and provides strategies that can improve the lives and marriages of couples on a daily basis.

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What's Happening to Ellie?

A Book About Puberty for Girls and Young Women with Autism and Related Conditions

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This simple picture book follows Ellie as she begins puberty. Designed to be read with girls with autism or other special needs, it provides the perfect starting point for parents and carers to discuss changes including new hair growth and menstruation.

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What Color is Monday?

How Autism Changed One Family for the Better

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Carrie's son Jack sees days of the week as colors, has an astounding memory for birthdays, and is terrified of dogs - he also has autism. In this moving memoir, Carrie shows the realities of daily life parenting a family of five and supporting her son's special needs giving us a fascinating view into Jack's unique mind and a family built on love.

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What to Feed an Asperger?

How to go from three foods to three hundred with love, patience and a little sleight of hand

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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A Brief Guide to Autism Treatments

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Details 14 of the most popular treatments for autism, offering balanced overview of each treatment with current opinion and scientific data

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Inside Asperger's Looking Out

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

From the best-selling author of All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome and All Dogs Have ADHD, this is the perfect introduction to how Aspies see and experience the world, told from their own perspective, for the people in their lives.

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An Insider's Guide to Loving, Understanding and Teaching Children with Asperger Syndrome

Jessica Kingsley Publishers
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The Asperger Children's Toolkit

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This handy volume explores key issues children with AS encounter, and includes interactive games and activities to promote mutual understanding.

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Gardening for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Special Educational Needs

Engaging with Nature to Combat Anxiety, Promote Sensory Integration and Build Social Skills

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

A practical introduction to using gardening with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and special needs to teach valuable social, emotional and sensory skills.

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Autism All-Stars

How We Use Our Autism and Asperger Traits to Shine in Life

Foreword by Tony Attwood; Edited by Josie Santomauro
Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Writers from around the world - including Temple Grandin, Donna Williams, Deborah Lipsky, and Wendy Lawson -- share their experiences of creating a successful life on the autism spectrum.

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The Partner's Guide to Asperger Syndrome

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Written from personal experiences by three women married to men on the Autism Spectrum who interviewed over a hundred people in their situation, this book explores all the common areas of difficultly in an Asperger and non-spectrum relationship from both perspectives.

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Trueman Bradley: Aspie Detective

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Trueman Bradley – Aspie Detective is a fantasy adventure that will capture the imagination of anyone interested in Asperger's Syndrome.

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How Everyone on the Autism Spectrum, Young and Old, Can Become Resilient, Be More Optimistic, Enjoy Humour, Be Kind, and Increase Self-Efficacy

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This complete "toolkit" provides teachers, parents, and other caregivers with everything they need to know to use positive psychology strategies to support children with ASD.

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A Beginner's Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders

Essential Information for Parents and Professionals

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This concise and straight-talking guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder will ensure parents, carers, teachers and other professionals feel confident, informed and able to cope with the road ahead.

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Business for Aspies

42 Best Practices for Using Asperger Syndrome Traits at Work Successfully

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Ashley Stanford addresses all of the issues that can arise once a person with AS secures employment, through the eyes of both employee and employer.

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My Child Has Autism, Now What?

10 Steps to Get You Started

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

This concise, no-nonsense book will enable parents to regain control of the situation and take the first practical steps towards a calm and happy life with their newly-diagnosed child.

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