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As Long as the Sun Shines and Water Flows
384 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:01 Jan 1983
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Release Date:01 Oct 2007

As Long as the Sun Shines and Water Flows

A Reader in Canadian Native Studies

UBC Press
This collection of papers focuses on Canadian Native history since 1763 and presents an overview of official Canadian Indian policy and its effects on the Indian, Inuit, and Metis. Issues and themes covered include colonial Indian policy, constitutional developments, Indian treaties and policy, government decision-making and Native responses reflecting both persistence and change, and the broad issue of aboriginal and treaty rights.
Without question, the new reader by Getty and Lussier provides the best selection of historical articles on Canada’s Native peoples ever to appear ... It should be required reading for all attending future constitutional conferences on aboriginal rights. Ian Getty and Antoine Lussier have contributed to a new appreciation of Canada’s native people. Donald Smith, NeWest Review
Ian A.L. Getty is research director at the Nakoda Institute. Antoine S. Lussier is director of the Native Studies programme at the University of Saskatchewan.




Introductory Essay

Section I: The Evolution of Indian Administration Since the Royal Proclamation of 1763

1 Protection, Civilization, Assimilation: An Outline History of Canada's Indian Policy

2 The Early Indian Acts: Developmental Strategy and Constitutional Change

3 Indian Land Cessions in Upper Canada, 1815-1830

4 Herman Merivale and Colonial Office Indian Policy in the Mid-Nineteenth Century

5 A Victorian Civil Servant at Work: Lawrence Vankoughnet and the Canadian Indian Department, 1874-1893

6 Clifford Sifton and Canadian Indian Administration 1896-1905

7 The Administration of Treaty 3: The Location of the Boundaries of Treaty 3 Indian Reserves in Ontario, 1873-1915

8 Canada's Indians Yesterday – What of Today?

9 The Politics of Indian Affairs

Section II: Native Responses to Changing Relations and Circumstances

1 Alcoholism, Indians and the Anti-Drink Cause in the Protestant Indian Missions of Upper Canada, 1822-1850

2 The Tragedy of the Loss of the Commons in Western Canada

3 A Witness to Murder: The Cypress Hills Massacre and the Conflict of Attitudes towards the Native People of the Canadian-American West during the 1870s

4 Louis Riel and Aboriginal Rights

5 A Parting of the Ways: Louis Schmidt's Account of Louis Riel and the Metis Rebellion

6 La Conquete du Nord-Ouest, 1885-1985, or the Imperial Quest of British North America

7 Native People and the Justice System

8 Becoming Modern – Some Reflections on Inuit Social Change

9 The Inuit and the Constitutional Process: 1978-81

A Declaration of the First Nations, 18 November, 1981

1983 Constitutional Accord on Aboriginal Rights

Bibliographic Essay

The Indian in Canadian Historical Writing, 1971-1981

Suggestions for Further Reading

Notes on Contributors

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