Negotiated Memory
Doukhobor Autobiographical Discourse
This demonstrates how the Doukhobors employed both “classic” and alternative forms of autobiography to communicate their views about communal living, vegetarianism, activism, and spiritual life, as well as to pass on traditions to successive generations.
Obedient Autonomy
Chinese Intellectuals and the Achievement of Orderly Life
This anthropological study of Chinese archaeologists shows how the discipline works within a Chinese social structure, and uncovers the complex underpinnings of that context.
Hunters and Bureaucrats
Power, Knowledge, and Aboriginal-State Relations in the Southwest Yukon
A timely anthropological examination of the effect of land claims settlements and co-management of resources on the Kluane First Nation of the Southwest Yukon.
Emerging from the Mist
Studies in Northwest Coast Culture History
This book brings together the most recent research on the culture history and archaeology of a region of longstanding anthropological importance, whose complex societies represent the most prominent examples of hunters and gatherers.
Tales of Ghosts
First Nations Art in British Columbia, 1922-61
An insightful examination of the complex functions of Northwest Coast art objects produced between 1922 and 1961, and a vital addition to First Nations and Canadian history.
Reclaiming Aboriginal Justice, Identity, and Community
At the heart of this timely and significant book is an alternative way of thinking about Aboriginal crime and justice.
Being a Tourist
Finding Meaning in Pleasure Travel
What is meaningful about the experience of travelling abroad? What feeds the impulse to explore new horizons?
Preserving What Is Valued
Museums, Conservation, and First Nations
What are the “right ways” to preserve heritage? Are the aims and purposes of museums necessarily at odds with those of First Nations? This thoughtful book explores the concept of museum conservation in light of cultural repatriation issues, and helps readers understand the complex relationship between museums and Aboriginal peoples.
Aboriginal Autonomy and Development in Northern Quebec and Labrador
The essays in this volume illuminate key conditions for autonomy and development: the definition and redefinition of national territories as cultural orders clash and mix; control of resource bases upon which northern economies depend; and renewal and reworking of cultural identity.
Potlatch at Gitsegukla
William Beynon's 1945 Field Notebooks
This rare, first-hand, ethnographic account of a potlatch from Tsimshian scholar William Benyon reveals the wonderful complexities of the events that took place in Gitsegukla in 1945.
Islands of Truth
The Imperial Fashioning of Vancouver Island
Timely, provocative, and a vital contribution to post-colonial studies, this book questions premises underlying much of present B.C. historical writing, arguing that international literature offers more fruitful ways of framing local historical experiences.
Aboriginal Plant Use in Canada's Northwest Boreal Forest
This is a handbook of more than 200 traditional plants and their usage among First Nations people in Canada's northwest boreal forest (northern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta).
Protecting Indigenous Knowledge and Heritage
A Global Challenge
An international appraisal of how current legal regimes worldwide fail to protect Indigenous knowledge and what needs to change
Since the Time of the Transformers
The Ancient Heritage of the Nuu-chah-nulth, Ditidaht, and Makah
This book examines over 4000 years of culture history of the related Nuu-chah-nulth, Ditidaht, and Makah peoples on western Vancouver Island and the Olympic Peninsula.
The Heritage of the Circle
In this book, Georges Sioui, who is himself Wendat, redeems the original name of his people and tells their centuries-old history by describing their social ideas and philosophy and the relevance of both to contemporary life.
Ways of Knowing
Experience, Knowledge, and Power among the Dene Tha
Drawing on twelve years of fieldwork at Chateh, Jean-Guy Goulet delineates the interconnections between the strands of meaning and experience with which the Dene Tha constitute and creatively engage their world.
Fraser Canyon Histories 1808-1939
Juxtaposing historical narratives and cultural interpretation, this book explores the history of Spuzzum and the Nlaka'pamux people on the turbulent Fraser River.
The Social Life of Stories
Narrative and Knowledge in the Yukon Territory
In this illuminating study of indigenous oral narratives, Julie Cruikshank moves beyond the text to explore the social power and significance of storytelling.
Our Tellings
Interior Salish Stories of the Nlha7kápmx People
Passed down through the generations for centuries, the traditional oral narratives of the Nlha7kápmx people of British Columbia elders reveals how they perceive their own history.
Captured Heritage
The Scramble for Northwest Coast Artifacts
Douglas Cole Examines the process of anthropological collecting on the Northwest Coast between 1875 and the Great Depression, in the context of the development of museums and anthropology.
Cannibal Tours and Glass Boxes
The Anthropology of Museums
Cannibal Tours and Glass Boxes poses a number of probing questions about the role and responsibility of museums and anthropology in the contemporary world.
Objects of Myth and Memory
American Indian Art at the Brooklyn Museum
Objects of Myth and Memory is the first publication devoted to the Brooklyn Museum's influential collection of Native American art of the Pacific Northwest
Life Lived Like a Story
Life Stories of Three Yukon Native Elders
The life stories of three remarkable and gifted women of Athapaskan and Tlingit ancestry who were born in the southern Yukon Territory around the turn of the century - when storytelling provides a customary framework for discussing the past.
The Curtain Within
Haida Social and Mythical Discourse
Explores the management of social roles and symbols to achieve various goals by people living in a modern Haida community.
Chiefs of the Sea and Sky
Haida Heritage Sites of the Queen Charlotte Islands
Presents an overview of extensive research carried out by archeologist George MacDonald in the 1960s and 1970s to document the history of the Haida villages of the Queen Charlotte Islands.
Kewa Tales
A Papua New Guinea Highland people, the Kewa have within their vital oral tradition a rich body of folk tales, eighty of which are brought together in this volume.
The Subarctic Fur Trade
Native Social and Economic Adaptations
A Sarcee Grammar
This book presents a comprehensive grammar, dealing with deals with all major areas of linguistic structure, including syntax, phonology, and morphology of Sarcee, an Athapaskan language spoken in southern Alberta.
Agrarian Class Conflict
The Political Mobilization of Agricultural Labourers in Kuttanad, South India
Totem Poles
An Illustrated Guide
This bestseling guide helps readers interpret and enjoy the form and meaning of totem poles -- as ancestral emblems and ceremonial objects, as expressions of wealth and power, as mythological symbols and magnificent artistic works of the people of the Pacific Northwest.
The Chinese in Cambodia
This book is the first study of the Chinese in Cambodia -- from anthropological, historical, the economic, the legal, and demographic points of view.