Captured Heritage
The Scramble for Northwest Coast Artifacts
Douglas Cole Examines the process of anthropological collecting on the Northwest Coast between 1875 and the Great Depression, in the context of the development of museums and anthropology.
Cannibal Tours and Glass Boxes
The Anthropology of Museums
Cannibal Tours and Glass Boxes poses a number of probing questions about the role and responsibility of museums and anthropology in the contemporary world.
Objects of Myth and Memory
American Indian Art at the Brooklyn Museum
Objects of Myth and Memory is the first publication devoted to the Brooklyn Museum's influential collection of Native American art of the Pacific Northwest
Life Lived Like a Story
Life Stories of Three Yukon Native Elders
The life stories of three remarkable and gifted women of Athapaskan and Tlingit ancestry who were born in the southern Yukon Territory around the turn of the century - when storytelling provides a customary framework for discussing the past.
The Curtain Within
Haida Social and Mythical Discourse
Explores the management of social roles and symbols to achieve various goals by people living in a modern Haida community.
Chiefs of the Sea and Sky
Haida Heritage Sites of the Queen Charlotte Islands
Presents an overview of extensive research carried out by archeologist George MacDonald in the 1960s and 1970s to document the history of the Haida villages of the Queen Charlotte Islands.
Kewa Tales
A Papua New Guinea Highland people, the Kewa have within their vital oral tradition a rich body of folk tales, eighty of which are brought together in this volume.
The Subarctic Fur Trade
Native Social and Economic Adaptations
A Sarcee Grammar
This book presents a comprehensive grammar, dealing with deals with all major areas of linguistic structure, including syntax, phonology, and morphology of Sarcee, an Athapaskan language spoken in southern Alberta.
Agrarian Class Conflict
The Political Mobilization of Agricultural Labourers in Kuttanad, South India
Totem Poles
An Illustrated Guide
This bestseling guide helps readers interpret and enjoy the form and meaning of totem poles -- as ancestral emblems and ceremonial objects, as expressions of wealth and power, as mythological symbols and magnificent artistic works of the people of the Pacific Northwest.
The Chinese in Cambodia
This book is the first study of the Chinese in Cambodia -- from anthropological, historical, the economic, the legal, and demographic points of view.