Animasâ¿¿La Plata Project, Volume II
SWCA Environmental Consultants, SWCA, Inc.
This report compiles evidence concerning cultural affiliation with NAGPRA items recovered from the Animas-La Plata (ALP) project area near Durango, Colorado, for 25 modern tribal groups residing in Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. Though a small percentage of the cultural resources in the ALP project area represent earlier and later cultures, most identified archaeological remains, including NAGPRA items, date to the Pueblo I period (ca. A.D. 700-900). A preponderance of geographic, biological, oral tradition, linguistic, and archaeological evidence reasonably leads to the conclusion that the modern Keresan Pueblos of Acoma, Laguna, and Zia are the closest cultural affiliates to the Pueblo I period sites in the ALP project area.