American Labor in the Southwest
248 pages, 6 x 9
2 tables
Release Date:23 May 2017
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American Labor in the Southwest

The First One Hundred Years

Edited by James C. Foster
The University of Arizona Press
A collection of outstanding contributions on…
The Western Federation of Miners
James C. Foster, D. H. Dinwoodie
The Industrial Workers of the World
Earl Bruce White, James Byrkit
The Rise of Unionized Farm Workers
H. L. Mitchell, Edward D. Beechert, Art Carstens
Mexican Labor, North and South of the Border
John M. Hart, Rodney Anderson, David Maciel
Labor and Politics
Paul Mandel, George N. Green, Charles O. Rice
James C. Foster, author of numerous books and articles on labor relations, worked as a machinist in a union shop and became a member of the United Steel Workers. In 1974, he joined the faculty of Arizona State University at Tempe, to teach history and coordinate the Labor Studies Program. He also organized the Arizona Labor History Council, made up of college instructors, high school teachers, and members of organized labor. In 1981 he accepted a position at the University of Wisconsin at Parkside, to set up a college credit program for union members, in the Industrial Relations Department. Dr. Foster holds a Ph.D. degree from Cornell University in history and labor relations.
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