Alabama's State and Local Governments
288 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:30 Aug 1994
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Alabama's State and Local Governments

University of Alabama Press
Why does politics rank right after football as Alabama’s favorite sport?
Davis Martin’s third edition of the 1975 classic, Alabama’s State and Local Governments, provides a unique viewpoint in answering this question. He also lets the reader in on the answers to some other intriguing questions, such as . . . Why do voters in Chilton County case more than one vote each? Why does a municipal judge in Alabama have to be a lawyer, while a county probate judge does not? If you don’t pay your Alabama state taxes, how will the Department of Revenue track you down?; and many more.
Whether you are a public official, lobbyist, teacher, librarian, or citizen interested in politics, this book offers the concise information you need on the state’s governmental system. Profusely illustrated with dozens of charts and tables, and a detailed index, Alabama’s State and Local Governments is a valuable resource which will be especially helpful to those who want to compare Alabama’s government to the governments of other Southern states.

David L. Martin is professor emeritus of political science at Auburn University, and is author of Running City Hall: Municipal Administration in America.

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