142 pages, 4 1/4 x 7
Release Date:01 Dec 2015
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A Tale of Redemption & Other Stories

The Lontar Foundation

What distinguished Mona Sylviana’s writing, is her willingness to look at the dark side of life and to confront societal issues head on. In Mona’s stories, the world is not a safe place for women. Yet her characters do not respond to situations as passive objects or victims; they challenge the accepted order.

Mona Sylviana (Author)

Mona Sylviana was born in 1972 in Bandung and holds a degree in Communications. Her stories have been published in numerous papers and journals and in several anthologies as well. Since 2000, she has been active in the Nalar Jatinangor Institute, an organization that provides multicultural education through discussions, seminars, libraries, and training.

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