A Healthy Society, Updated and Expanded Edition
How a Focus on Health Can Revive Canadian Democracy
A Healthy Society, Updated and Expanded Edition, is one doctor’s vision for a new approach to politics – and a new approach to building a healthier world. Brought to life through a mix of expertise and story, this book appeals beyond political lines to address our common values, arguing that health is a measure of our success as a society.
Drawing on his experiences as a family physician in the inner city of Saskatoon, in rural Saskatchewan, and in Mozambique, Dr. Meili argues that health delivery too often focuses on treatment of immediate causes and ignores more fundamental conditions that lead to poor health. Far more than the actions of health care providers, it is the social determinants of health – income, education, employment, housing, the wider environment, and social supports – that make the greatest difference.
This updated edition describes the positive steps that have been taken since the first edition was published in 2012. It includes:
- new chapters on poverty, food security, and climate change
- expanded discussions on basic income, poverty reduction strategies, innovative housing polices, carbon pricing, and the role of health professionals in working for health equity
- new accounts by patients, which shed light on how health care is experienced in Canada today.
This book breaks important ground, showing us how a focus on health can change Canadian politics for the better.
This book is written for politically engaged members of the general public, health care workers and students, policy makers, and civil society organizations.
A Healthy Society now includes chapters on poverty, food security, and climate change. Thought-provoking and highly readable, it weaves together the vision of a young politician--Meili was elected leader of the Saskatchewan NDP in March 2018--and the advocacy of a good physician who has worked in rural and urban Saskatchewan and in Africa.
What do you get when an empathetic physician combines stories, concern for his community, and analysis? This special book. Ryan Meili goes from patient to society, and from social and political forces to the patient. If this book’s insights were put into practice, we would get a healthy society indeed.
Meili speaks from experience, from the heart, and with passion for achieving social justice. His political insight in how to achieve prosperity for all citizens and society is creative and revolutionary.
Understanding health means understanding society. Ryan Meili is a physician who understands both. This book is passionate, very readable, and gives the whole system a major push toward a better future.
Physicians have traditionally sought to cure the ailing patient. Why are you not well? How can we make you well again? In this thoughtful and inspiring book, Ryan Meili takes this same approach to what ails us as a society. The perspective is holistic, novel, and necessary. If you want to know how we’ll get to a better future for all, then you must read this book.
Dr. Meili’s focus on health and its social determinants to drive social and political change is powerful. This book is written with clarity, centred on stories, and informed by years of experience as a family doctor and public policy reformer. Canadians would do well to heed its call to action to deepen our democracy through a focus on health.
It is a huge privilege to be allowed into people’s individual stories as a family doctor, to come face to face with their most private fears and challenges. To do so while seeing the bigger picture, learning what can be generalized from each story, is the finest way to honour one’s patients. The first edition of A Healthy Society brought upstream thinking to the mainstream, showing Canadians how a health lens could help us tackle our greatest challenges. The combination of story, evidence, and vision for the future in this latest edition is what we need to chart a path to a healthier Canada.
A vivid portrait of the adverse effects of current public policy directions upon the health of Canadians … this volume is more timely than ever.
Collected in this book are stories most Canadians don’t get to hear – stories that show that Canada can, and must, be a more compassionate country. A Healthy Society should be required reading for those tasked with crafting policy in this country, those pushing for a more caring Canada, and those interested in evidence-based decision-making.
Foreword / André Picard
Foreword to the First Edition / Roy Romanow
1 A Healthy Society
2 Medicine on a Larger Scale
3 The Extra Mile
4 Growth and Development
5 The Search for a Cure to Poverty
6 Out of House and Home
7 The Warming World
8 The Equality of Mercy
9 Learning to Live
10 Heading Downstream
11 Less Politics, More Democracy
12 Our Future Together
Notes; Index