Women and Change at the U.S.--Mexico Border
There's no denying that the U.S.-Mexico border region has changed in the past twenty years. With the emergence of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the curtailment of welfare programs, and more aggressive efforts by the United States to seal the border against undocumented migrants, the prospect of seeking a livelihood--...
Good Intentions Gone Awry
Emma Crosby and the Methodist Mission on the Northwest Coast
Presents the letters of Emma Crosby, wife of the well-known Methodist missionary Thomas Crosby, who came to Fort Simpson, near present-day Prince Rupert, in 1874 to set up a mission among the Tsimshian people.
Discourses of Denial
Mediations of Race, Gender, and Violence
With examples from the lives of immigrant girls and women of colour, this book uncovers how racism, sexism, and violence interweave deep within the foundations of our society.
Tales of Two Cities
Women and Municipal Restructuring in London and Toronto
In this thought-provoking book, Sylvia Bashevkin examines the consequences of divergent restructuring experiences in London and Toronto.
Every Inch a Woman
Phallic Possession, Femininity, and the Text
What makes the textual image of a woman with a penis so compelling, malleable, and persistent?
Contact Zones
Aboriginal and Settler Women in Canada's Colonial Past
This provocative book examines how women were uniquely positioned at the axis of the colonial encounter – the so-called “contact zone” – between Aboriginals and newcomers.
This Elusive Land
Women and the Canadian Environment
This multidisciplinary anthology discusses the ways in which women integrate the social and biophysical settings of their lives, featuring a range of contexts and issues in which gender mediates, inspires, and informs a sense of belonging to and in this land.