Logo for University Press of Colorado

Founded in 1965, the University Press of Colorado is a nonprofit cooperative publishing enterprise supported, in part, by Adams State University, Colorado State University, Fort Lewis College, Metropolitan State University of Denver, University of Colorado, University of Northern Colorado, University of Wyoming, Utah State University, and Western Colorado University.

In 2012, University Press of Colorado merged with Utah State University Press, which was established in 1972. USU Press titles are managed as an active imprint of University Press of Colorado, and they maintain offices in both Louisville, Colorado, and Logan, Utah.

The University Press of Colorado, including the Utah State University Press imprint, publishes forty to forty-five new titles each year, with the goal of facilitating communication among scholars and providing the peoples of the state and region with a fair assessment of their histories, cultures, and resources.

Showing 221-240 of 509 items.

Uncertain Times

Anthropological Approaches to Labor in a Neoliberal World

University Press of Colorado

This first-ever collection of labor anthropology from around the world asserts that traditional labor unions have been co-opted by neoliberal policies of corporate capital and have become service organizations rather than drivers of social movements.

  • Copyright year: 2017
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Navajo Textiles

The Crane Collection at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science

University Press of Colorado

Navajo Textiles is a nuanced account of the historical context of the Navajo weavings in the Crane Collection at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science—one of the largest collections of Navajo textiles inthe world. Bringing together the work of anthropologists and indigenous artists, the book explores the Navajo rug trade in the mid-nineteenth century and changes in the Navajo textile market while highlighting the museum’s important, though still relatively unknown, collection of Navajo textiles.

  • Copyright year: 2017
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Basic K'ichee' Grammar

38 Lessons, Revised Edition

University Press of Colorado
  • Copyright year: 2016
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Creating Dialogues

Indigenous Perceptions and Changing Forms of Leadership in Amazonia

University Press of Colorado

Creating Dialogues discusses contemporary forms of leadership in a variety of Amazonian indigenous groups. Examining the creation of indigenous leaders as political subjects in the context of contemporary state policies of democratization and exploitation of natural resources, the book addresses issues of resilience and adaptation at the level of local community politics in lowland South America.

  • Copyright year: 2017
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These "Thin Partitions"

Bridging the Growing Divide between Cultural Anthropology and Archaeology

University Press of Colorado
  • Copyright year: 2016
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Beautiful Flesh

A Body of Essays

University Press of Colorado, Center for Literary Publishing

Beautiful Flesh gathers eighteen essays on the body, essentially building a multi-gender, multi-ethnic body out of essays, each concerning a different part of the body: belly, brain, bones, blood, ears, eyes, hair, hands, heart, lungs, nose, ovaries, pancreas, sinuses, skin, spine, teeth, and vas deferens.

  • Copyright year: 2017
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Rituals of the Past

Prehispanic and Colonial Case Studies in Andean Archaeology

University Press of Colorado

Rituals of the Past explores the various approaches archaeologists use to identify ritual in the material record and discusses the influence ritual had on the formation, reproduction, and transformation of community life in past Andean societies. A diverse group of established and rising scholars from across the globe investigates how ritual influenced, permeated, and altered political authority, economic production, shamanic practice, landscape cognition, and religion in the Andes over a period of three thousand years.

  • Copyright year: 2017
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Legacies of Space and Intangible Heritage

Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and the Politics of Cultural Continuity in the Americas

University Press of Colorado

Legacies of Space and Intangible Heritage is an interdisciplinary exploration of the intersections between the study and management of physical sites and the reproduction of intangible cultural legacies. The volume provides nine case studies that explore different ways in which place is mediated by social, political, and ecological processes that have deep historical roots and that continue to affect the politics of heritage management.

  • Copyright year: 2017
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Incidence of Travel

Recent Journeys in Ancient South America

University Press of Colorado

In Incidence of Travel, archaeologist Jerry Moore draws on his personal experiences and historical and archaeological studies throughout South America to explore and understand the ways traditional peoples created cultural landscapes in the region. Combining travel narrative and archaeology in a series of essays—accounts of discoveries, mishaps of travel, and encounters with modern people living in ancient places—Incidence of Travel will engage any general reader, student, or scholar with interest in archaeology, anthropology, Latin American history, or storytelling.

  • Copyright year: 2017
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Ancient Maya Commerce

Multidisciplinary Research at Chunchucmil

Edited by Scott R. Hutson
University Press of Colorado

Presents nearly two decades of multidisciplinary research at Chunchucmil, Yucatan, Mexico showing how the city was a major center for both short- and long-distance trade, integrating the Guatemalan highlands, the Gulf of Mexico, and the interior of the northern Maya lowlands.

  • Copyright year: 2017
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"The Only True People"

Linking Maya Identities Past and Present

University Press of Colorado

"The Only True People" is a timely and rigorous examination of ethnicity among the ancient and modern Maya, focusing on ethnogenesis and exploring the complexities of Maya identity—how it developed, where and when it emerged, and why it continues to change over time. In the volume, a multidisciplinary group of well-known scholars including archaeologists, linguists, ethnographers, ethnohistorians, and epigraphers investigate ethnicity and other forms of group identity at a number of Maya sites and places, from the northern reaches of the Yucatan to the Southern Periphery, and across different time periods, from the Classic period to the modern day.

  • Copyright year: 2017
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Field Guide to the Lichens of White Rocks

(Boulder, Colorado)

University Press of Colorado
  • Copyright year: 2017
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The History of the Death Penalty in Colorado

University Press of Colorado
  • Copyright year: 2017
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Wayne Aspinall and the Shaping of the American West

University Press of Colorado

Colorado Congressman Wayne N. Aspinall was variously dubbed the "Ruler of the Land," a "bridge between the old and new Wests," and the environmental movement's "most durable foe." The late David Brower, the notable Sierra Club leader, remarked that the environmental movement had seen "dream after dream dashed on the stony continents of Wayne Aspinall."

In Wayne Aspinall and the Shaping of the American West, Steven C. Schulte details a political career that encompassed some of the most crucial years in the development of the twentieth-century West. As chairman of the House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee from 1959 to 1973, Aspinall shaped the nation's reclamation, land, wilderness, and natural resource policies. His crusty and dtermined personality was at the enter of some of the key environmental battles of the twentieth century, including the Echo Park Dam fight, the struggle for the Wilderness Act, and the long controversy over the Central Arizona Project.

  • Copyright year: 2002
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Alternative Pathways to Complexity

A Collection of Essays on Architecture, Economics, Power, and Cross-Cultural Analysis

University Press of Colorado

Alternative Pathways to Complexity focuses on the themes of architecture, economics, and power in the evolution of complex societies. Case studies examine the relationship between political structures and economic configurations of ancient chiefdoms and states through a framework of comparative archaeology.

  • Copyright year: 2016
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Traditions, Transitions, and Technologies

Themes in Southwestern Archaeology

University Press of Colorado

Traditions, Transitions, and Technologies offers diverse perspectives on the state of Southwestern archaeology at the end of the twentieth century, linking the legacies of the past to present trends by placing current research into historical context.

  • Copyright year: 2016
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How Humans Cooperate

Confronting the Challenges of Collective Action

University Press of Colorado

Blanton and Fargher develop is strongly empirical, historically deep, and more synthetic approach to investigating human cooperation, using findings from fields as diverse as neurobiology, primatology, ethnography, history, art history, and archaeology.

  • Copyright year: 2016
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Gendered Labor in Specialized Economies

Archaeological Perspectives on Female and Male Work

University Press of Colorado
  • Copyright year: 2016
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Commoner Ritual and Ideology in Ancient Mesoamerica

University Press of Colorado

This volume explores the ritual life of Mesoamerica's common citizens, inside and outside of the domestic sphere, from Formative through Postclassic periods. Building from the premise that ritual and ideological expression inhered at all levels of society in Mesoamerica, the contributors demonstrate that ideology did not emanate solely from exalted individuals and that commoner ritual expression was not limited to household contexts. Taking an empirical approach to this under-studied and under-theorized area, contributors use material evidence to discover how commoner status conditioned the expression of ideas and values.

  • Copyright year: 2016
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Archaeological Variability and Interpretation in Global Perspective

University Press of Colorado

Contributors illustrate the virtues of various ecological, experimental, statistical, typological, technological, and cognitive/social approaches for understanding the origins, formation histories, and inferential potential of a wide range of archaeological phenomena.

  • Copyright year: 2016
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