Founded in 1965, the University Press of Colorado is a nonprofit cooperative publishing enterprise supported, in part, by Adams State University, Colorado State University, Fort Lewis College, Metropolitan State University of Denver, University of Colorado, University of Northern Colorado, University of Wyoming, Utah State University, and Western Colorado University.
In 2012, University Press of Colorado merged with Utah State University Press, which was established in 1972. USU Press titles are managed as an active imprint of University Press of Colorado, and they maintain offices in both Louisville, Colorado, and Logan, Utah.
The University Press of Colorado, including the Utah State University Press imprint, publishes forty to forty-five new titles each year, with the goal of facilitating communication among scholars and providing the peoples of the state and region with a fair assessment of their histories, cultures, and resources.
The Invasion of Indian Country in the Twentieth Century
American Capitalism and Tribal Natural Resources, Second Edition
The City She Was
Published by the Center for Literary Publishing at Colorado State University
Scared Text
Published by the Center for Literary Publishing at Colorado State University
Mexico's Indigenous Communities
Their Lands and Histories, 1500-2010
The Highest State, Second Edition
Fire Management in the American West
Forest Politics and the Rise of Megafires
The Eastern San Juan Mountains
Their Ecology, Geology, and Human History
The Trail of Gold and Silver
Mining in Colorado, 1859-2009
- Copyright year: 2009
State of Change
Colorado Politics in the Twenty-first Century
Stone Tools and the Evolution of Human Cognition
We are Starved
-Mary Szybist, author of Granted
Mountain West Poetry Series
Published by the Center for Literary Publishing at Colorado State University
Origins of the Ñuu
Archaeology in the Mixteca Alta, Mexico
Contemporary Archaeologies of the Southwest
From Redstone to Ludlow
John Cleveland Osgood's Struggle against the United Mine Workers of America
The Mechanics of Optimism
Mining Companies, Technology, and the Hot Spring Gold Rush, Montana Territory, 1864-1868
Neurobehavioral Anatomy, Third Edition
Networks of Power
Political Relations in the Late Postclassic Naco Valley
The Carnegie Maya III
Carnegie Institution of Washington Notes on Middle American Archaeology and Ethnology, 1940-1957
Movement, Connectivity, and Landscape Change in the Ancient Southwest
Mammals of Colorado, Second Edition
The Apotheosis of Janaab' Pakal
Science, History, and Religion at Classic Maya Palenque
- Copyright year: 2007
Skywatching in the Ancient World
New Perspectives in Cultural Astronomy
Enduring Legacies
Ethnic Histories and Cultures of Colorado
Deep Freeze
The United States, the International Geophysical Year, and the Origins of Antarctica's Age of Science
- Copyright year: 2006
A Caring Approach in Nursing Administration
- Copyright year: 2010
Coffee and Community
Maya Farmers and Fair-Trade Markets
The Gospel of Progressivism
Moral Reform and Labor War in Colorado, 1900-1930
The Science of Synthesis
Exploring the Social Implications of General Systems Theory
- Copyright year: 2003
Hard as the Rock Itself
Place and Identity in the American Mining Town
- Copyright year: 2006
Published by the Center for Literary Publishing at Colorado State University
Adventures in Eating
Anthropological Experiences in Dining from Around the World
Designing Experimental Research in Archaeology
Examining Technology through Production and Use
Inside Ancient Kitchens
New Directions in the Study of Daily Meals and Feasts
Representation and Rebellion
The Rockefeller Plan at the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, 1914-1942
Prophet, Pariah, and Pioneer
Walter W. Taylor and Dissension in American Archaeology
Prophet, Pariah, and Pioneer, peers, colleagues, and former students offer a critical consideration of Walter Taylor’s influence and legacy. Neither a festschrift nor a mere analysis of his work, the book presents an array of voices exploring Taylor and his influence, sociologically and intellectually, as well as the culture of American archaeology in the second half of the twentieth century.
Forjando Patria
The Lords of Lambityeco
Political Evolution in the Valley of Oaxaca during the Xoo Phase
The Archaeology of Class War
The Colorado Coalfield Strike of 1913-1914
The Lesser Fields
Published by the Center for Literary Publishing at Colorado State University