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Established in 1929, the University of New Mexico Press publishes creative works and scholarship in several disciplines, including anthropology, archaeology, indigenous studies, Native studies, Latin American studies, art, architecture, and the history, literature, ecology, and cultures of the American West. UNM Press is the largest publisher in New Mexico and seeks to represent the culture, history, and stories of the Southwest.

Showing 541-550 of 1,445 items.

You Must Fight Them

A Novella and Stories

University of New Mexico Press

In this collection we meet characters navigating the difficult situations that arise when different worlds collide.

  • Copyright year: 2015
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The Quotable Amelia Earhart

University of New Mexico Press

This definitive resource provides a concise, documented collection of Earhart's quotations so that her words, as well as her achievements, may inspire a new generation.

  • Copyright year: 2015
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Moonshots and Snapshots of Project Apollo

A Rare Photographic History

University of New Mexico Press

Beginning in 1967, Moonshots and Snapshots of Project Apollo chronicles the program's twelve missions and its two follow-ons, Skylab and the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project.

  • Copyright year: 2015
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The Living Ballad of Mexico's Western Coast

University of New Mexico Press

The present compilation of ballads from the Mexican states of Guerrero and Oaxaca documents one of the world's great traditions of heroic song, a tradition that has thrived continuously for the last hundred years.

  • Copyright year: 2015
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A Civil War History of the New Mexico Volunteers and Militia

University of New Mexico Press

Thompson draws on service records and numerous other archival sources that few earlier scholars have seen in this comprehensive work.

  • Copyright year: 2015
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A Memoir

University of New Mexico Press

Comic and unsparing, ¡Cancerlandia! chronicles Alvarado Valdivia's journey as he not only fights to survive his personified adversary, Mr. Hodgkins, but also as he struggles with his own self-destructive spirit.

  • Copyright year: 2015
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The Haunting of the Mexican Border

A Woman's Journey

University of New Mexico Press

"This is an important book at the right time. We need to read this story and understand its vision. Recommended."--Luis Alberto Urrea, author of The Devil's Highway: A True Story

  • Copyright year: 2015
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Self-Portrait with Spurs and Sulfur


University of New Mexico Press

Through persona poems and odes, the collection argues that the muddier the narrative, the closer the story gets to truth.

  • Copyright year: 2015
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University of New Mexico Press

The poems incorporate history, legend, and magical realism to create a cross-cultural baroque feeling.

  • Copyright year: 2015
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A Life on Hold

Living with Schizophrenia

University of New Mexico Press

Méndez-Negrete's powerful account is the first memoir by a Mexican American author to share the devastation and hope a family experiences in dealing with schizophrenia.

  • Copyright year: 2015
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