Established in 1929, the University of New Mexico Press publishes creative works and scholarship in several disciplines, including anthropology, archaeology, indigenous studies, Native studies, Latin American studies, art, architecture, and the history, literature, ecology, and cultures of the American West. UNM Press is the largest publisher in New Mexico and seeks to represent the culture, history, and stories of the Southwest.
Santa Fe Nativa
A Collection of Nuevomexicano Writing
This anthology honors Santa Fe's role as the foundation of New Mexican Hispanic culture.
- Copyright year: 2010
Rabbit and the Fingerbone Necklace
Does Ji-Stu meet his match in the crafty ravens, out to get his most prized possession?
- Copyright year: 2009
The Journey of Tai-me
This precursor to The Way to Rainy Mountain was originally published in a handmade edition in 1967 and has never before been commercially available.
- Copyright year: 2010
In the Presence of the Sun
Stories and Poems, 1961-1991
A collection of evocative and versatile works by the National Medal of Arts recipient.
- Copyright year: 2009
How Shadows Are Bundled
An extraordinarily rich collection of poems, many of which explore what C.G. Jung referred to as the "shadow", that dark, usually hidden part of each of us.
- Copyright year: 2009
Building to Endure
Design Lessons of Arid Lands
How the long history of human settlement in the American Southwest can provide valuable lessons in addressing today's need to wisely use energy, water, and the land.
- Copyright year: 2009
Maya Yucatán
An Artist's Journey
These spectacular images document the beauty of the ancient sites of Yucatán and the enduring character of the Maya people still inhabiting the region.
- Copyright year: 2010
The Morganza, 1967
Life in a Legendary Reform School
Stuart describes the life of students and staff in this infamous school that was, in reality, a youth prison camp.
- Copyright year: 2009
Hearing the Mermaid's Song
The Umbanda Religion in Rio de Janeiro
Based on personal experience as a participant and observer over nearly a decade, Hale explores the unique spiritual beliefs of this Afro-Brazilian religion originated in Rio de Janeiro in the early twentieth century.
- Copyright year: 2009
Women's Migration Networks in Mexico and Beyond
This study examines the vital role that women's labor and personal networks play, both within Mexico and transnationally, in assisting other women to migrate and in providing support for male family members as well.
- Copyright year: 2009